Chapter Twenty-Three

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POV Alec

Alec looked down at the screen of his phone and smiled. Magnus had really fallen asleep while he had been listening to him talking. 'Just like Max always did when he was younger' Alec thought. He still hoped that what Magnus had said was true and that people kept falling asleep while he was talking because he had a very 'calming voice' and not because he was too boring. In this case he was almost certain that it had not been his fault though cause Magnus had looked really tired at the very beginning of their conversation already.

Now that he was sleeping he looked much more relaxed and peaceful. Alec would have loved to just look at him for a little while but somehow it felt weird doing so and also he didn't want to risk accidentally waking him up again so he eventually ended the call - not a second too early cause as soon as he had put down his phone again he heard the doorbell ring. He wasn't expecting anybody and Maryse was downstairs so he didn't bother to stand up from his desk chair to look who it was. Only when he suddenly heard his mother yelling his curiosity took over.

What the hell was going on down there? This didn't sound like one of his siblings was in trouble. Who was his mother fighting with?

His protective instinct kicked in and he went on the hallway, just at the same time as Izzy was leaving her room as well.

"Do you know what's going on down there?" she asked him, sounding concerned.

Alec shook his head. "No. I know just as much as you do" he said and tried not to sound as nervous as he felt. Their mother could be strict sometimes but normally she didn't yell like that. Something must be wrong.

The other voice from downstairs was a little bit harder to hear but Alec was certain that it was the voice of a man. A voice that somehow sounded very familiar to him.

Izzy seemed to recognize it as well. "Fuck. That's dad down there isn't it?" she asked with a mixture of tension and anger in her voice. "This bastard."

She was right. The second voice definitely was the voice of their father. Since their move Alec hadn't heard anything of him and he couldn't say that he had been overly sad about it. Why was he coming back now and what was he arguing about with their mother?

"Yes" Alec confirmed with clenched teeth. "I wonder what he is doing here."

"I don't give a fuck what he wants - mom was so lucky in the last few weeks and I won't let him destroy that again" Izzy said angrily and before Alec could stop her she was already storming down the stairs.

"Izzy! Hey, Izzy, wait!" He quickly went after his sister cause he really didn't want the situation to escalate. When Izzy was angry she very often lost control over her temper and that was never good.

When they arrived downstairs however their mother was just slamming the front door shut so Alec assumed that their dad had already left again. Thank god.

"Mom, are you alright?" Izzy asked concerned and immediately went over to her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Yes. Of course I am" Maryse answered but Alec knew that she was lying because there were red spots on her face that indicated that she definitely just got worked up over something.

Izzy didn't believe her either. "We heard you mom. And dad. What happened?"

Maryse looked guilty. "I'm sorry that you had to hear this but you don't need to worry. We just have a little disagreement."

Alec raised his eyebrows. "No offence but that didn't sound like a little disagreement."

"Yes that's true. And why did he suddenly show up here in the first place?" Izzy asked and pulled her hand back again.

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