Chapter Twenty-Two

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POV Alec

Over the next week Alec and Magnus wrote each other everyday. Normally Alec didn't use his smartphone that often but he didn't want to miss a text from Magnus so he started taking it with him everywhere we went. Jace was already making jokes about it, asking him if somebody had glued his phone to his hands but Alec just ignored him. He was happy that Magnus was keeping his promise to stay in contact with him.

"Do you also take that thing with you when you're on the toilet now?" even Maryse asked at some point and Alec blushed embarrassed. He hadn't directly told his mother that he had a crush on Magnus yet but he was pretty sure that she had also figured it out by now. She wasn't stupid after all and according to his siblings even blind people would see that he was in love. "It's like there are little hearts flying around your head all the time" Jace put it into words. "It's almost disgusting."

Today was Friday and Alec had a lot of school work to do. He had already been sitting at his desk for over two hours but he still wasn't finished. Probably it had something to do with the fact that he was checking his phone every five seconds. And if he was not concentrating on his phone he was playing with his new bracelet instead. Since he had found it in the pocket of his hoodie he had been wearing it constantly, only taking it off when he was taking a shower in the morning. He didn't want to risk that it got damaged somehow.

He was tense because Magnus had not written him yet. Except for a 'Good Morning' right after he got out of bed there had been no message from him today and it was late afternoon already.

Alec knew that he was probably just busy but still he missed him already. It was ridiculous.

He sighed and laid his head onto the desktop, closing his eyes. He definitely had done enough maths for today. If he had to look at one more equation his brain would probably explode.

Alec was just about to doze off when suddenly his phone started vibrating.

Immediately he was wide awake again and looked at the screen of his phone. Magnus was calling him but this time over video. Normally Alec wasn't a big fan of video chats but he was dying to see Magnus's face again so he answered the call without hesitation.

And then he was there, right in front of him. Well not physically of course but Alec could see his face. He looked happy.

"Hi Magnus."

"Alexander. You look tired."

Alec chuckled. "I can imagine. I just tried to do my maths homework for half an eternity."

"Oh" Magnus said compassionately. "And were your efforts successful?"

"Not really. But I don't care anymore. I'm done for today."

"If you are too tired we can also talk tomorrow I wou-" Magnus started but Alec interrupted him in the middle of the sentence.

"No, it's alright. I'm not that tired" he said quickly and it was true. Also he had been looking forward to talking to Magnus the entire day so he definitely wouldn't hang up on him now.

Magnus laughed. "Okay, okay, don't worry" he said. "I'm not going to go anywhere. Also I hope you don't mind that I have been calling you like that but I wanted to see you."

Alec smiled and blushed slightly. "Me too."

Magnus smiled back at him. They looked at each other for a moment, then Alec cleared his throat.

"And how is your vacation so far?" he asked.

"It's pretty good actually. The food at the hotel is amazing so I'm happy. They have the most delicious waffles here. And the pancakes are also incredible."

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