Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Hi guys. I'm sorry that I didn't update this story for such a long time but I was very busy in the last few weeks so unfortunately I didn't find any time to post. I hope at least some of you are still interested in this story. Also this chapter is probably rather short compared to the one's before but I have already finished the next one as well so you definitely don't have to wait that long for an update this time.

POV Alec

The first moment Alec saw Magnus and Thara together he was shocked, frozen to the spot. A strange feeling overcame him and he clenched his hands to fists. He didn't like the way this woman was looking at Magnus and he didn't like the way she was touching him either. Alec might not be an expert in things like this but he surely wasn't completely blind. It was obvious that Thara had more-than-a-friend-feelings for Magnus and Alec felt the sudden urge to rip out her hair.

As soon as that thought crossed his mind he realized that he was overreacting. Even if Thara was really interested in Magnus he surely wouldn't do anything with her behind Alec's back. He did not trust her but he trusted Magnus. Losing his temper now wouldn't bring him anywhere and he didn't want to act like a jealous child.

When Thara saw Alec she dropped her hand which had been on Magnus' cheek before but she didn't look caught or guilty at all. Yep, Alec definitely couldn't stand her, no matter what her intentions were but he needed to handle this situation maturely. The last thing Magnus needed now was him making a drama about something he probably didn't even need to worry about. Magnus was HIS boyfriend and he had told him that Thara was just a friend for him so why was he worrying so much?

Alec unclenched his fists and cleared his throat. "How are you feeling?" he asked Magnus eventually and tried to just ignore Thara's presence. "Did you drink your tea?"

Magnus nodded. "Yes, most of it. I'm still feeling pretty hot though."

Alec frowned when hearing his boyfriend's voice. He sounded kinda odd. "Did something happen while I was gone? You look as pale as a ghost."

He couldn't believe that he had been so worried about Thara making a move on Magnus that he hadn't realized this earlier.

"It's ... it's nothing, really." Magnus smiled at him but it wasn't a real smile.

It seemed forced, like he was concerned about something but didn't want to bother Alec with it. Automatically Alec looked over to Thara and the smug expression on her face left no doubt that she knew exactly what Magnus was trying to hide from him. Did he trust her more than he trusted him?

Alec bit his lip and tried to hide how hurt he was by that. 'No more secrets' - that's what he and Magnus had agreed on, right? So why wasn't he talking to him now? He just didn't understand.

"How are the preparations for the ritual going?" Thara asked suddenly, speaking up for the first time since Alec had entered the room. He really tried to play nice - maybe this was all just a huge misunderstanding and he was just being paranoid because of his own insecurities - but Alec was pretty sure that the way he was looking at Thara said more than a thousand words.

"It's going great. We can probably start in about two hours" he said coldly. "Maybe you should go over and help Cat and the others."

First Thara looked like she was about to protest but then she seemed to change her mind and nodded instead. "Yes, you're right", she said, much to Alec's surprise and stood up from the bed. "In contrast to you I can actually do something to really help him after all." She whispered that last sentence to him when she was walking past him in order to leave the room, making sure that Magnus wouldn't hear it.

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