Chapter Forty-Eight

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POV Alec

Alec was a complete mess and he couldn't think straight any longer. After what had happened between Magnus and him in the bathroom he had given up on trying to hold himself back once and for all. Knowing that his boyfriend wanted the same thing as he did was filling him with excitement and a desperate urgency he never felt in that way before.

Alec couldn't wait to finally be alone with Magnus. In fact he was so desperate to finally get the chance to feel his skin under his fingers that he already started unbuttoning his suit jacket mere seconds after they stumbled out of the portal together.

Or at least that's what he was trying to do but his hands weren't really working properly at the moment, which complicated the process significantly. Also the fact that Magnus was basically drowning him in hungry kisses in the meanwhile was more than a bit distracting.

Alec barely found the time to breathe in between but he figured that dying like this was probably a very good way to go. Who needed air anyways? Everything that was important right now was Magnus.

At the moment Alec wasn't even sure in what part of the house they were. All he had registered so far was that the lights were switched off, leaving them in a mysterious semi-darkness.

Magnus however seemed to know exactly where he was when after a while he gently started to push Alec backwards, steering him through the room.

In his haste to follow his boyfriend's lead Alec almost stumbled over his own feet but Magnus caught him just in time by grabbing his shoulders and giggled softly.

It was probably the most precious noise Alec had ever heard him make and he automatically smiled against his boyfriend's lips while they continued kissing each other.

His mind still being completely focused on entirely different things Alec didn't notice what Magnus was up to until he was suddenly being pushed onto a sofa. Now he knew that they were in the living room and the thought that this very sofa was the same one they had already used for some rather inappropriate things before made his heart race.

A rather embarrassing sound escaped his lips and he grabbed his boyfriend's hips, holding onto him tightly but even though Magnus was just straddling him and they were so deliciously close to each other already it still wasn't enough for him this time. Alec wanted more.

He moved his hands under his boyfriend's shirt and ran his fingers over his skin, making him shiver.

"I want to take your shirt off. Can I do that?" Magnus asked hoarsely and Alec nodded without hesitation. He wanted absolutely nothing to be between them. Not tonight.

For the first time since they had arrived at the house they stopped kissing, which gave Alec the opportunity to catch his breath for a moment. He locked eyes with Magnus and smiled warmly when he saw that he wasn't using his glamour any longer.

Slowly he raised his hands and took the mask off his boyfriend's face so he could see him better.

"You're so beautiful" he whispered and gently brushed his thumb over Magnus's cheekbone. "So unique."

Magnus narrowed his eyes, almost shyly but then he looked back up again and the expression on his face made Alec want to kiss him again. Before he could do so however his boyfriend had already taken the initiative and Alec could feel a touch of his lips on his neck, incredibly gentle at first but then quickly eager for more.

Almost immediately his heartbeat was going completely crazy again, especially when Magnus finally started unbuttoning his shirt. He was using his left hand to do so while the other one was placed at the back of Alec's neck, playing with his hair.

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