Chapter Six

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POV Alec  
Alec and Aline talked for almost two hours until Alec realized that it was quite late already. It was starting to get dark outside and when he checked his smartphone he saw that Izzy had been writing him several messages over the last few minutes.

‘Hey, Alec where are you? I thought you just wanted to go for a walk.’

‘Hey that's not funny you've been gone for over two hours now!! Please answer me!’ 

‘Alexander Gideon Lightwood you better come home right now mom is starting to get angry!’ 

Also she had tried to call him three times but he had silenced his phone so he didn't realize.

“Oh damn it!” he cursed and almost fell off the tree. “I have to go home. My family is already wondering where I am.” 

“Oh right. Gosh I can't believe that it's so late already” Aline said. “Time passed very quickly.” 
She could say that again.

They quickly climbed out of the tree and Alec was proud that he actually managed to do so without seriously hurting himself.

“So we're probably going to see each other the day after tomorrow right?” 

“What? Really? Where?” Alec asked rattled.

“Uh … school” Aline said with a little laugh.

“Oh right.” He really should have thought of that. 

“Yeah we're gonna see each other then.”

“I'm looking forward to it” Aline said with a smile. “And now you better hurry before you get into trouble.” That Alec didn't need to be told twice.

‘Sorry Izzy I didn't see your messages earlier. Forgot to check time. I'm on my way now’ he texted while he was walking and almost ran into a lamppost because he was so concentrated on his phone. He just hoped that Aline had not seen that but when he looked back over his shoulder she was already gone. 

Since he hadn't been that far away from their new house anyway it didn't take him long to go back. He arrived at the front door within five minutes and was greeted by Maryse who was already waiting for him, standing in the doorframe with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

“Where have you been?” she asked strictly. “We were worried about you.” 

Alec resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “I was just taking a little walk, exploring the vicinity. There’s a park not even five minutes away from here and I stayed there for a while. Nothing to be worried about.” 

“You could have told me” Maryse said, still sounding a little bit angry. “Especially when you were going to come back again.” Alec frowned in confusion. He didn't really understand why his mother was being so dramatic about this. He was seventeen for god's sake and not a toddler. Also this wasn't exactly a dangerous place or something like that. And he had never done something stupid or irresponsible before. He always followed the rules so he didn't get why his mother was suddenly behaving like he was a criminal. 

“Yeah sorry I forgot” Alec lied, not able to completely suppress the slightly annoyed undertone in his voice. “Can I come in now?” 

Maryse stepped aside and let him enter. “Sorry that I was being so harsh but please tell me where you go the next time” she said and closed the door behind him.

“Okay, okay” Alec mumbled and went upstairs where his siblings were all waiting for him in the hallway. 

“There you are. Are you in trouble?” Jace asked immediately.

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