Chapter Twenty-Eight

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POV Alec

School was pretty much the last thing Alec was in the mood for at the moment. Now, with christmas being only a little bit less than three weeks away he really didn't want to think about stuff like solving math problems any longer. He just wanted to cuddle with Magnus in front of his fireplace again or decorate the house together with him. He just wanted to relax a bit but unfortunately school would still go on for two whole weeks.

The lessons today seemed to last at least three times as long as usually and Alec's thoughts were at a whole different place the entire time. The only good thing was that they had already written all exams for this year so at least he didn't need to worry about getting a bad grade if he didn't pay enough attention.

During lunch break he wanted to visit Magnus in the library but he wasn't there. Marc told him that he was having a talk with Helen's mother (meaning the headmistress of their school) about some organizational matters and that he probably wouldn't be back before the break ended so Alec had to wait till his last lesson was over to see him again.

As soon as the bell finally announced the end of his school day Alec jumped up from his seat and immediately wanted to run over to the library but then he remembered that Magnus still had to stay for another hour. Of course he could just go over anyways. He could sit down in the library and read a book until Magnus had finished but he wanted to surprise his boyfriend so he spontaneously decided to go and get him a cup of his favorite coffee in the meantime. Of course he wasn't thinking about the rather ordinary coffee from the school cafeteria - he wanted to go over to the coffee shop and get Magnus his favorite drink: french vanilla latte with some chocolate sprinkles on top.

With a smile on his face Alec stepped outside - and was pleasantly surprised to see that there were a few snowflakes dancing in the air. The sky above him was grey and the wind was biting cold but he was so happy about the snow that he didn't really care. Maybe it was childish that he was still being so excited about snow but Alec just couldn't help it.

When he arrived in front of the coffee shop he was in his best mood, beaming like a child on christmas day.

It actually was a bit of an effort for him to eventually open the door and get into the building in front of him.

The warmth of the shop and delicious smell that was hanging in the air were very welcoming but still Alec kinda missed the feeling of the cold snowflakes on his skin.

Quickly he ordered two cups of coffee - one for him and the one for Magnus - and paid the barista for his work.

On his way back the snowfall was slowing getting thicker than before and the temperatures seemed to drop even more so Alec was very glad that he had at least the cups to warm his hands on.

Once he arrived at the school again his coat and his hair were covered both in snow. Clumsily Alec tried to rub it off a bit and then entered the building, heading towards the library. The hallways were mostly empty already at this point so he didn't really pay much attention to his surroundings. Consequently he was more than startled when he almost bumped into a person after turning a corner.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry" he apologized quickly.

"No need to apologize" the woman standing in front of him said with a friendly smile on her face. She was wearing crazy clothes that immediately reminded Alec of Magnus but she looked kinda tense. "Actually I'm rather glad that we met because I'm looking for the library. Maybe you can help me?"

"Sure" Alec said. "Actually I just wanted to go there as well."

"Oh great." The woman beamed, clearly happy

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