Chapter Twelve

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POV Alec

Annoyingly, the rest of the school day seemed to last forever. At some point Alec was almost certain that the teachers had somehow manipulated the clocks in the classrooms cause the hands were definitely moving a lot more slowly than they had been at the beginning of the week. Everytime he checked how late it was only a few seconds had passed. It was torture. Suddenly he really missed Jace and his annoying urge to talk during the lesson cause maybe that could have distracted him a little bit but unfortunately they didn't have the last course together today. Also Jace was still a little bit mad with him for what Alec had done during maths.

As soon as the bell was finally ringing Alec immediately jumped off his chair. On his way outside he met his siblings on the corridor and joined them quickly.

"Oh there you are. We were just looking for you" Izzy said. "I can't even describe how glad I am that the weekend is finally here. The last lessons on Friday are always the worst."

"Yeah especially when your brother makes you look like a fool in front of the entire class" Jace grumbled. 

"Come on you know that I was just trying to help you and I already apologized" Alec defended himself.  

First Jace didn't react to his words but eventually he gave in with a sigh and chuckled: "I hope you know that I'm going to pay you back for that."

"Oh really?" Alec grinned. 

"Don't grin like that I'm totally serious!" Jace said but his laugh didn't really make his threat sound very convincing. 

They were just about to leave the school building when suddenly Clary appeared right in front of them. Alec frowned in confusion but he didn't say anything. She probably just wanted to say goodbye to Jace or something like that. Remembering what Izzy had said a few days ago Alec wanted to give the two of them some private space but surprisingly Clary grabbed his arm and stopped him from leaving. 

"Wait" she said. "Please don't go. There’s something I wanted to ask you guys - all of you."
Now Alec was totally confused. He and Clary hadn't exactly talked much with each other until now and he really couldn't imagine what on earth she could possibly want from him ... 


'Well … that has definitely been unexpected' Alec thought when he was sitting on a blanket in the park together with Simon, Clary, Aline, Magnus and his siblings about half an hour later. He couldn't remember having done anything like that before and he couldn't deny that he kinda liked it.

Back on their school in New York Alec hadn't had many friends. Sure, there had been some people who talked to him occasionally but Alec knew that they actually hadn't cared about him at all. Most of them had just approached him because they wanted to copy his homework or needed help with learning. 
The others had just been talking to him out of pity and because they felt bad about him having no friends. 

Therefore Alec wasn't really used to people talking to him without wanting him to do something for them and he definitely wasn't used to people wanting wanted to spend time together with him either.
Normally people tended to just accept Alec as a rather unimportant appendage of his siblings, as the weird person who was with them most of the time but wasn't any fun to talk to so they simply ignored him. 

Clary and her friends were different though. They actually seemed to like him as an individual person and if Alec was being honest he couldn't really understand why. He was pretty boring actually and sometimes also a little bit rude but still Clary had insisted that he joined them as well. 

Being part of such a huge group of people was something Alec never would have thought could possibly happen to him. He had thought that he would always be just a freak, an outsider nobody understood, but these people didn't make him feel that way at all. 

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