Chapter Thirty-Seven

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 POV Alec

School was absolutely horrible. Apparently somebody from Alec's geography class had been in the 'Jade Wolf' as well two days ago and had seen the incident with Magnus so almost everybody knew that something had happened to him by now. It was still unclear what exactly had been going on though so Alec was peppered with annoying questions once again and it made him furious. Why couldn't those people just leave him alone? He felt bad enough already and the last thing he needed right now was to be reminded of Magnus' condition over and over again.

"How is he, that guy from the library? Is he feeling alright?" a girl he didn't know asked him curiously when he was on his way to the mensa during lunch break and Alec felt the strong urge to punch her. "I heard that he looked as pale as a ghost when you brought him out of that restaurant, is that true?"

"Gosh just leave him alone already" Izzy hissed angrily. "Don't you see that he's not in the mood for your annoying questions?"

Alec was very grateful that his sister was trying to help him but unfortunately the girl still didn't seem to get the hint and continued following them. "Hey, I'm just concerned about him, okay?" she defended herself and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "He's very close to me."

Alec couldn't believe what he had just heard and stopped dead in his tracks, not able to hold himself back any longer: "Are you kidding me?" he asked angrily and saw from the corner of his eye that some other students who were just walking by stared at him but he didn't give a shit about that at the moment. They wanted something to talk about so he would give them something to talk about. "You just called him 'that guy from the library' so don't try to tell me that you are close to him or that you are concerned! You probably don't even know his name. The only thing you want is an exciting story you can tell your stupid friends and since you won't stop bothering me anyways before you have your answers: No. No, he is not alright. He's miserable and there's nothing I can do to help him!"

Alec realized only now how loud his voice was and the flabbergasted expressions on the faces of the students surrounding them probably would have made him laugh if he wasn't that angry. He had always been the quiet one until now so they were clearly shocked about his behavior.

"Did you all hear that?!" he asked into the crowd. "Do you have what you want? Are you happy now?!!"

Nobody said a word. A few students still looked shocked, others concerned or guilty.

Alec felt tears burning in his eyes. He couldn't do this. He needed to get out of here.

"Alec ... " Izzy started quietly and touched his shoulder in order to calm him down but Alec shook his head and stepped away from her.

"I think I need to be alone now" he said and after a moment of hesitation Izzy nodded, letting go of him. "Tell Ms. Blackthorn that I'm feeling sick. I'm going to go home."

Without waiting for an answer from his sister Alec put on his jacket and his scarf and left the corridor, trying to ignore all the looks that were following him on his way. He hadn't had a fit of anger like that for quite a long time now - since they had moved here about half a year ago to be exact. Since he didn't have to deal with his father and all the people from his old school any longer. He had felt so much better here, especially after meeting Magnus and becoming friends with Clary and the others but now Alec felt like everything was slowly starting to fall into pieces around him and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Apparently it all had really been too good to be true, just like he had thought in the beginning.

As soon as he had left the school building Alec took a deep breath and tried to stop his hands from shaking but it didn't work. Even though it was extremely cold outside his body felt like it was on fire and his face was burning.

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