Chapter Twenty-One

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 POV Alec

"Are you serious? Mom really made peace with Magnus?" Max asked with big eyes when they were sitting at the kitchen table the next morning, having breakfast together. Maryse was still asleep but the room was almost completely full anyways because Clary, Simon and Dru had been spending the night at their house after the party yesterday. Dru still almost looked like a zombie because she hadn't managed to get off all of her makeup yet but she didn't really seem to care.

"At least it seemed like it" Alec said with a shrug and yawned. He still was tired as hell and the one to blame for that was Simon. Or maybe Maryse because she had decided to put him into his room overnight. On the other hand she had probably thought that she had been doing Alec a favor by doing so. After he and Magnus had spend the afternoon at Catarina's he had told her that he had been hanging out with Simon after all and that they were "such great friends". He had actually already expected that this little white lie would come back at him at some point to bite him in the ass and he had definitely been right.

Of course Alec really liked Simon but if he ever had to sleep in the same room with him ever again he would jump out of the window. Probably he should have seen it coming that even sleep couldn't shut this guy up but he hadn't. Simon had been talking to himself the whole fucking night and Alec was a very light sleeper so it had taken him an eternity until he finally passed out after desperately trying to cover his ears with his pillow.

"This is amazing" Max said. "I knew that she would change her mind about him at some point."

Alec had to admit that he had actually not been so sure about that. He still didn't really understand what had happened but he decided not to question it.

"Are you going to tell her about your crush on Magnus then?" Izzy asked. She already looked way better than yesterday and apparently she wasn't feeling sick anymore.

"I don't know ... "

"I think you should do it" Jace said, who had just entered the room. Of course he had spend about one hour in the bathroom again and his blonde hair was even shinier than usually. It was almost painful to look at so early in the morning.

Simon seemed to be very impressed though. "Gosh, what kind of special shampoo do you use for your hair?" he asked.

"That's a secret of course" Jace said cockily. Then he seemed to realize that Simon was holding a cup of coffee in his hands and the proud expression on his face quickly turned into a mask of horror.

"Oh no, you won't drink any of that!" he said and within the blink of an eye he had already taken the cup away from him.

"Hey!" Simon protested. "Why are you doing this?"

"Don't you remember what happened the last time when you had too much caffeine in the morning?" Jace asked back.

Simon pouted. "That's not fair" he complained but Jace didn't show any mercy. "Yes, life can be cruel sometimes" he just said with a shrug. "But it would be quite a waste to just pour all of this away ... "

Simon opened his mouth - probably in order to protest - but Jace had already proceeded to drink the coffee instead of him. Or at least that was what he obviously wanted to do but after taking one sip he immediately gave Simon the cup back and spit the coffee into the sink with a disgusted expression on his face. "What the hell? How many tons of sugar did you pour in there?" Jace asked and Alec started laughing loudly. This had just made his morning a lot better.

"That's not funny!" Jace said but the only reaction he got by that was that Alec was laughing even more and everybody except Jace also joined in. "This has to be the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted. And that says a lot since I have eaten all of my sisters cooking attempts."

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