Chapter Twenty-Nine

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 POV Alec

Alec's heart was beating way too fast and he still felt the adrenaline shooting through his body in hot waves. He had no idea why he had attacked this vampire or how he had actually managed to win against him. Well he had been in these handcuffs that apparently seemed to be magical or something like that and weakened him to some extent but still ... it had been a freaking vampire! And he had fought against him even though Magnus had explicitly told him not to do anything dangerous.

Alec really hadn't been planning on doing this though. First he had been completely shocked when he saw this guy running towards him but then suddenly his instincts had kicked in and before he could really process what was happening he had already been on top of the vampire and pushed his face to ground. He had probably been just as surprised about this as everybody else.

Well and now, a few minutes later, he was being pressed against the wall of a nearby house from his very angry boyfriend and struggled to breathe between their hot kisses.

First he had been afraid that Magnus really was seriously angry with him about his recklessness but then he had suddenly started kissing him in a way he had never done before and Alec's brain had lost all its ability to think.

Magnus's kisses were forceful and a bit rough and Alec was almost immediately turned on by it. The adrenaline in his body turned into passion and he just let himself fall, kissing his boyfriend like his life depended on it. He didn't even give a shit about the fact that his lip was injured and hurt everytime their mouths were colliding again; in fact he rather enjoyed the slight pain of it. It was a weird feeling but he quickly got addicted to it anyways, his body shivering with pleasure everytime Magnus's teeth were tugging on his lips.

He buried his hands in his boyfriend's hair and tried to pull him even closer, greedy to feel more of him. Magnus growled low in his throat and Alec gasped in shock when he felt that he was maybe starting to enjoy this a little bit too much.

Quickly he pushed Magnus away and brought some more distance between their bodies again.

Immediately his boyfriend looked worried. "Sorry, if this was too much for you. I don't know what just came over me" he said, breathing heavily. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

He looked almost panicked now so Alec quickly shook his head. "Gosh, no. You didn't do anything wrong ... I just ... " He stopped and bit his lip, trying to hide his embarrassment about his situation. He couldn't believe that he had almost lost control over his body like that just because Magnus had been a bit rougher with him than usually. And because the noises he had made while kissing him had been so damn hot.

"You just ...?" Magnus encouraged him to continue and softly put his hand on Alec's cheek, making him look up again after he had lowered his eyes for a moment.

"I just really liked what you did" Alec confessed quietly and blushed.

Magnus frowned for a moment but then he seemed to understand and his eyes widened. "Oh" he said surprised. "That's ... interesting."

"Gosh this is so humiliating" Alec mumbled and tried to hide his face again.

"There's absolutely nothing you need to be embarrassed about" Magnus said and softly caressed Alec's skin with this thumb, making him sigh. "I feel about you in that way too and it's absolutely normal."

"I know. But still ... this is ..." Alec didn't know how to put it into words.

"It's still very new to you to feel that way?" Magnus finished his sentence and Alec nodded, relieved that he understood what he meant.

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