Chapter Twenty-Six

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 POV Alec

Only after Alec had already left Magnus's house he realized what he had just done and stopped dead in his tracks. The man he was in love with had just been kissing him in there so what the hell was he doing outside? He must have lost his mind!

Alec's face heatened in shame. He had no idea how it was possible that his stupid brain had remembered the present just then ... or why it had decided to just run away and get it immediately instead of maybe waiting for a more fitting moment.

Now Magnus probably thought that he hadn't liked his kisses while in reality he had rather enjoyed them too much already. Alec had never been in this kind of situation before and he had been pretty overwhelmed by all the things he was feeling so maybe that was the reason for what he had been doing ...

Alec shook his head. "You really are the biggest idiot alive" he mumbled to himself and quickly continued walking. Now that he had ruined the moment between him and Magnus already he should better go and get the present so that he could return as fast as possible. He just hoped that the other boy would still want to kiss him when he came back again.

Alec finished his walk to the front door in record time and pulled the keys out of his pocket. A few seconds later he quickly stepped inside the house and ran upstairs. He was just about to enter his room when he remembered that the present was still lying on Izzy's desk.

Yesterday after the Basketball game and after Magnus's unexpected early return his sister had stayed awake with him till late into the night, helping him finish the present so he could give it to Magnus today. Once they were finished Alec had fallen asleep on the floor in Izzy's room and in the next morning he had been so excited to get to Magnus that he had accidentally forgotten to take the present with him.

Without knocking he opened the door to his sister's room and immediately regretted it when he saw her in bed - together with Simon. Luckily they were not completely undressed yet but it seemed like they were just in the process of doing so cause they both were shirtless. Simon was kneeling above Izzy and she giggled - or at least she did so until Alec let out a loud noise of disgust and the two of them noticed his presence.

"Oh my god no my eyes!" Alec exclaimed and quickly covered his face with his hands.

Unfortunately it didn't help much cause the horrible picture had already burned itself into his memory. This was a lot more than he ever wanted to know about his sister's private life and he was pretty sure that he was going to get nightmares because of this.

"What the hell is going on here? Why do you have to do such horrible things?"

"Well why don't you knock on the door before you enter my room?" Izzy asked back, sounding rather amused than shocked.

Alec couldn't believe it. "Why don't YOU lock the door when you're planning on ... fooling around in your room?"

"Fooling around? Seriously?" Izzy giggled. "How old are you? Ten? Also can uncover your eyes again - I put a shirt on."

Alec did so and saw Izzy sitting on her bed. Her hair was dishevelled and most of her lipstick had found its way on Simon's mouth and his neck but at least they were now both wearing clothes again.

"Gosh I'm so sorry about this" Simon said quickly. In contrast to Izzy he seemed to be rather embarrassed about the incident and his face was as red as a tomato.

"You have nothing to apologize for" Izzy said. "Alec is the one who should apologize for just bursting into my room like that."

Probably she was right about that. "Okay, I'm sorry" Alec said. "But since when are you two a thing?! I mean I know that you invited Simon to the dance but THIS ... "

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