Chapter Nine

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POV Alec 

“Come on just admit it - you have a crush on him.”

Alec rolled his eyes. “I do not” he protested. “I barely even know him.” 

“But you think he's attractive don't you?” Izzy continued to interrogate him. “I mean you said it's okay when he calls you Alexander. And you were blushing everytime he was looking at you.”

Alec sighed. He had already seen this coming but still he was slightly annoyed about his sister asking him all those questions, especially since he really didn't have any clue what it was that he was feeling for Magnus. He was just … confusing him. A lot. And talking about it didn't really help to make Alec less confused.

“Okay I can't argue that there's something about him that's kinda fascinating” he said eventually. “He's quite … magical - if you know what I mean.”

As soon as the words had left his mouth Alec already regretted them. ‘Quite magical? Seriously?!’ He really sounded like a lovesick idiot now. 

Izzy smirked. “Oh I know exactly what you mean” she said. 

“Seriously Izzy I don’t have any clue what's going on so please … just let me figure this out first.” 

Izzy nodded, now looking serious again. “Of course. I understand.” 

“Thank you.” Alec gave her a little smile. 

Classes had ended about twenty minutes ago but they were both still standing in front of the school and waited for Jace. He was standing a few meters away from them and talked to Clary. 

“I just want to say goodbye” he had said but Alec highly doubted that this could possibly take him that long. He was seriously tired of waiting by now.

“Do you think Jace is coming anytime soon?” he asked his sister. “We've been waiting for hours now. I mean what is he going to do … propose to her?” 
Izzy giggled. “Who knows?”

Alec rolled his eyes and threw his head back in annoyance. Patience had never been his strength. “If he isn't going to come anytime soon we should just walk home alone.” 

“No we can't do that … see he's coming over.” Izzy was right. Thank god.

Alec let out a sigh of relief. “Finally.” 

“Hi guys. Thanks for waiting it kinda took me a little bit longer than expected” Jace said when he eventually joined them.

Alec raised his eyebrows and snorted. “A little bit? Seriously?” 

“Awww come on don't be like that grumpy cat” Jace said with a grin and elbowed him. 

“I'm not grumpy I just don’t want to be here any longer” Alec defended himself. “Also mom told us to come home after school immediately cause she needs us to do something for her. You remember?” 
Judging by his facial expression Jace definitely did not remember. “Oh shit you're right.” 


When they came home and entered the house Max was already sitting at the table in the living room with a opened book and a piece of paper in front of him and was doing his homework. He still went to elementary school and his classes ended earlier than Alec, Jace and Izzy’s so he had walked home already. His head was bent down and his long hair was falling all over his face so Alec wondered how he could possibly see what he was writing down there. 

“Hi” Max said without looking up. 

“Hey buddy” Jace answered. 

Alec wanted to say something as well but in that moment Maryse came into the room. She looked slightly stressed but her expression relaxed a little bit when she saw that they were home again. 

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