Chapter Seventeen

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POV Alec

"We heard that you were having an accident. Does it hurt very bad? How are you feeling?"

Alec tried hard to not roll his eyes at the two girls who were standing in front of him and forced a smile on his face instead, before he assured them that he was fine and that it really wasn't that much of a big deal.

He had only been in school for two hours but this was already the seventh time that somebody had been asking him about his arm and slowly but surely it started to get very annoying.

Actually Alec and Jace just wanted to go to the classroom where they had their math course but they had already been stopped twice from other students on their way across the corridor. All kinds of people - especially those who had never even payed attention to Alec before - were suddenly coming up to him and tried to start a conversation. Apparently he was now interesting enough to be talked to.

Of course Alec knew that most of them didn't actually care about him being injured. He guessed that they were just curious about what had happened and wanted to hear an exciting story that they could tell others during lunch.

Alec never really knew what to tell all those people - definitely not the truth that much was sure - but luckily Jace had always been very good at making up impressive stories and for the first time in his life Alec was extremely grateful for that. Somehow Jace managed to convince the other students that Alec's accident had been very spectacular and not at all embarrassing and suddenly Alec was almost famous. Some girls had even asked him if they could sign their names on his cast but Alec didn't allow it.

"Oh okay. That's good to hear" the other girl who was still standing in front of him said and her friend giggled. "I think you look really cute with that cast" she said. "If you need help with something you can always ask us."

Gosh this was really getting worse and worse. Alec didn't know what to say so he just stammered something like "Yeah sure" and let out a sigh of relief when the two girls realized that their next lesson started soon and finally left them alone.

"Oh thank god" he said. "This so annoying."

Jace snorted and gave Alec a look as if he couldn't believe what he had just been saying. "You serious? There's a bunch of girls being totally impressed by you even though you literally did nothing except for being a clumsy idiot and you think it's annoying?"

"Yes of course it's annoying. All those people actually don't give a shit about me. They just want to hear some drama or other interesting news they can spread around. As soon as I'm okay again they're all going to go back to acting as if they don't know me immediately" Alec tried to explain but Jace still didn't seem to see his point.

"Come on, don't be so pessimistic" he said. "This is your chance! It's the perfect opportunity to finally hit on some girls. I mean they already want to sign their names on that thing so I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't mind adding their phone numbers as well." He smirked and nodded at Alec's arm.

Alec made a face and groaned in annoyance. "But I do not want their phone numbers Jace!"

"Why not?" Jace threw his hands in the air. "You can't tell me that there isn't one single girl here that interests you!"

"But it's the truth!" There was only one person who was interesting Alec in that way. And that person wasn't a girl. Also he already had his phone number. He was just too shy to write him. But he guessed that wasn't actually necessary since he saw him every day anyways.

For a short moment Alec thought about just telling his brother the truth about why he wasn't interested in any of the girls at this school but then he decided against it. He didn't believe that Jace would mind him being gay but maybe he would start trying to get some boys to write their phone numbers on his cast then and he definitely didn't want to risk that.

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