Chapter 08

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"Easy Black" Watson said, for Anadil was still pulling him, "Where are we going anyway? You know I'll be dead if Wood finds out that I sh—"

"I'm simply going to talk to you, not shag you, you fucking dick" She said and Watson closed his mouth, "Good" Anadil said as she let him sit at the stone floor at a deserted corridor.

"I need to ask you something" Anadil said confidently, and Watson stood up and crossed his arms, "And what is it?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Promise me one thing" Anadil said and Watson gave her a nod, "What we say here stays here, you can't tell Wood, and I can't tell my friends, is that a deal, Renzo?" She asked as she gave her right hand for Watson to shake, Watson looked at her hand and gave a nod.

"Deal, Ash" He said and shooked Anadil's hand, "Wait before that I need to ask you a question too, do they know already, or you — know" Watson said and Anadil shook her head as a no.

"Then it must be hard for you" Watson said and Anadil rolled her eyes, "I mean it Anadil, you trusted me— well you are a neighbor of mine" Watson said with a smile.

"Oh I'm so lucky" She said sarcastically and Watson laughed, "Alright enough about me, can I now ask my question?" Anadil said and Watson nodded.

"What did you mean when you told Oliver to—"

"To tell you he likes you?" Watson finished the sentence for her and she nodded, "Well ever since he saw you at your first Quidditch match he can't stop talking about you, he was daft about his feelings for a while, but he came to his senses" He said and Anadil smiled.

"When he tried to explain earlier I knew he was whipped" Watson said with a laugh.

"Thank you Renzo" Anadil said and hugged Watson, he was taken aback, but hugged the girl to.

"I may be a playboy, but I have a soft spot for you, get something to eat at The Great Hall, Ashlyn, lunch's almost ready" Watson said and Anadil smiled as she retreated from the hug.

"I will I'll see you, Lorenzo" She said and Watson smiled, "I'll see you", He replied as Anadil ran to the great hall.

"Damn, Wood's gonna kill me" He murmured as he went the other way.


When Anadil made her way to The Great Hall she saw that Aliya was at the Gryffindor table, with a smile on her face she made her way there and sat beside them.

"I'm exhausted" Anadil said as she started to eat, the four looked at her and chuckled.

"Got the work done?" Aliya asked and she nodded.

"Can I talk to you?" Wood said as be sat across from Anadil, the girl nodded and he gestured that they should talk privately, Anadil nodded again and stood up to talk with Wood.

"What?" She asked in the most friendly way possible, not that she's angry at Oliver, she's just jealous which she found rather weird since the two of them aren't together.

"I've been meaning to tell you something", Wood started as he pulled the two of them to a broom closet, Anadil looked around the broom closet then back to Wood.

"I'm all ears" She said as she waited for Wood to speak, just by looking at Oliver she knows that he's nervous and that he's waiting for the proper moment to tell her.

Wood sighed and held both her hands before saying, "I know that you heard me earlier and, Lorenzo talked to me about it, I mustered all my courage to tell you that I like you" He was nervous and Anadil sensed it, he closed his eyes and started to speak ones more,

"Remember that time when you didn't score a goal, then I started to tease you?" He said and Anadil nodded, "Then after that when you were appointed as the beater you were so keen to get that bludger in my head, truth to be told I let you try, because, I love you" He said and Anadil smiled.

"And it's fine if you don't live me too" He said as he looked down Anadil smiled and hugged him.

"I love you too, but I can't be your girlfriend that fast" She said smirking at him.

"I know, I'll court you if I have to" Wood said and Anadil smiled.

"I'll look forward to it", She said as she went out of the brook closet, as she was walking back to the Great Hall, she saw Neville.

"Snape still giving you a hard time?" She asked as she saw Neville's book in Potions.

"Yeah" He said shortly as he stared at the essay Snape wants him to do.

"I'll help you, meet me at the Library later, alright?" Anadil said and Neville smiled.

"Thank you, Ani" He said as he hugged Anadil.

"No problem", She said as she let go of Neville and checked her watch to check the time.

Her next subject was Herbology and she has ten minutes to get there, she ran to the courtyard and saw Lee, The Twins, and Aliya.

"What took you so long?" Aliya asked as she neared them, "Did Wood showed you a good broom at the broom closet?" Aliya asked in a teasing tone, and Lee gave a disgusting lurch while the twins playfully punched her shoulder.

"What? I'm just saying that they could've done it" She said as if the subject was nothing.

"Anadil won't let him" Fred said.
"Yeah, Poor sweet innocent Anadil" George countered and Anadil looked at them annoyingly.

"For the record Wood talked to me — we didn't agree on it, but I think he's courting me", She said as the last students from the Greenhouse exited.

"WHAT?" The four shouted at her at the same time, and that caused most of the students to look at them, and listen to their conversation, Aliya noticing that they were being stared at glared at the students.

"Nothing to hear or see here, it's our business people"!" Aliya said and the students that were staring at them, looked the other way and gave the four privacy.

"So basically he's courting you?" Fred asked and Anadil nodded, "Damn I owe Lee five galleons" He continued as he payed Lee.

"You had a bet?" Anadil asked and the four nodded, "And you didn't tell me that you were betting on my love life?" She continued in an amused tone.

"It was the Twins' idea not ours" Lee and Aliya said at the same time and Anadil laughed out of disbelief.

She stared at the twins and the two gave her the most innocent smile, "We really thought you wouldn't catch up—" Fred said.

"— And look the bets finished" George continued, as he smiled at Anadil.

"You two are unbelievable", She said out of disbelief.

"But you love us" The twins said in unison while they smirk at Anadil, "That I do" Anadil said with a smile.

As the three entered the greenhouse they were greeted by Professor Sprout, 'course she told them everything that they need to do.

Anadil's not the brightest witch, but the teachers are positive that she'll receive straight O's for the upcoming O.W.L.s, which was stressful, it has only been two days, but the Professors expects a lot from her.



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