Chapter 32

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They were at the Great Hall their O.W.L.s, just ended a month ago, and it was a relief for them; only a few students were in the hall since it was still early, but it was a shock to see the Slytherin table full.

"Wonder what they're up to" Aliya whispered to Anadil as Wood and Watson sat down with them.

"What do you think they're up to this early?" Wood asked with a yawn as he put an arm around Anadil.

"I don't know, maybe it was too cold down in the dungeons" Anadil said with a shrug.

Snape started to speak it was very quiet, and it was obvious that only the Slytherins can hear it.

Anadil looked at Aliya and saw that she was nervous, "I have a bad feeling about this" Aliya said and Anadil smiled sadly.

Aliya heard the word 'werewolf' and she instantly looked at the Slytherin table, then she turned to Anadil.

"You don't think...?" Aliya said and Anadil stared at her, for a long time until Snape finally said loud enough for everyone to hear that Remus Lupin's a werewolf.

"Dipshit" She said then gestured for Aliya, and Wood to follow her.

"I'll see you later, Renzo" Wood said, he looked at his side, and saw that Anadil and Aliya made a run out of the Great Hall, and they weren't alone they were followed by Draco Malfoy.

Wood smiled to himself before taking on a sprint and catching the three.

He ran as fast as he can, then finally he had a hold of Malfoy, then Aliya, then Anadil, that made them stop.

"What is it?" Anadil asked him.

"Walk, even if it's in the other side of the castle, we all know that you'll loose your energy halfway there" Wood said with pointed look, Anadil was about to reason with him, but Wood gave her a stern look and the four of them continued their walk.

As they neared the office they saw Harry go in with Dumbledore, Anadil stopped on her tracks, and that caused the three to stop as well.

"What's the problem?" Draco asked, and Anadil shooked her head.

"I think it's better if we don't visit him, I'm sure he already has company" Anadil said with a tight smile, Aliya saw straight right through her, and raised a brow.

"Still not over it?" Aliya asked and Anadil nodded.

"Well you heard her, she doesn't want to be near them, so I guess we have to go" Wood said and Anadil smiled up to him, and Wood returned it.

Draco walked ahead and the three followed him as they were walking Draco spoke.

"Surely you want to say a few words to him" He fluently said in French.

"So, Why did we leave?" Wood asked and they were shocked, Wood noticed this and looked at the three, "What? Mum taught me back then" He continued and the three chuckled.

"Ali, it's a sign that you should learn how to speak French" Anadil said with a laugh and Aliya playfully glared at her.

"I can't" Aliya said with a groan, as the four of them were walking they caught sight of Sirius, and James.

Wood saw this as well and held Anadil close, Draco and Aliya looked at eachother before they started a conversation.

"Not that I'm complaining, but I need help" Draco said loud enough for the two to hear, Anadil looked at Draco and hummed as a response.

Sirius and James stopped at their tracks and looked at the four.

James looked at Sirius expecting him to charge at the four and he groaned when his best friend did.

"So you tend stay here, and not with your dad? What kind of a daughter are you?" Sirius asked, Anadil looked at him with a cocky smirk.

"The last time I checked I'm not your daughter, at least, that's what I see" Anadil said and James went behind Sirius.

"The girl's got a point" James said and Sirius glared at him.

"What do you mean?" Sirius asked, Anadil scoffed and bumped his shoulder.

The three teenagers looked at eachother before smiling apologetically at James and Sirius.

"She's under a lot of stress, and given that the full moon was last night, she's a bit short tempered" Wood said before they left to catch Anadil.

"I'm that bad of a father? I didn't even notice that she's hurt" Sirius said with a groan when they were inside Remus' office helping him to pack his things.

"She's under stress, sometimes I think it's depression — I mean she does smile at us, but not the real one, she smiles then when she turns her back at us, she frowns — or at least roll her eyes, then leave, and that's not the Anadil I know" Harry said giving his Godfather a hint to make it up to Anadil.

"You have a point, but first I need to make it up to my brother" Sirius said and Harry smiled at him.

"Well, I think it's time for me to leave" Sirius said, and James smiled at his friend, but remembered the time difference he was going to tell Sirius about it, but he spoke again.

"That's one thing that I need to do, make it up to my brother, then I'm sure I can make it up to my daughter, they're not that far from eachother" Sirius said as he ran out of the office and into Hogsmeade, James groaned and tried to ran after his friend, but he was already to far.

Ones he was their he quickly apparated near Regulus' flat, but what shocked him the most is, it was raining, and it was still midnight.

He tried to find Regulus' flat, but with the rain it was hard to see, and given that he doesn't have an umbrella he was soaking wet.

"Why didn't I thought this through?" He said as he went to an alleyway and waved his wand for an umbrella.

Ones he had an umbrella he started to walk ones more, when he was crossing the street a car honked he looked at the direction then the car stopped.

He stayed still shivering, and he was shocked, the person who was driving the car went down, and then Sirius saw Regulus.

Regulus' eyes widen and ushered his brother to his car.

Ones the both of them were inside Regulus turned to his brother, obviously angry.

"What're you doing here in the middle of the night — well midnight, do you know where you were? You were in the heart of the city! Merlin Sirius, you're lucky it was me, and not some crazy old crackpot!" Regulus scolded and Sirius stayed quiet.

Regulus sighed, before starting the engine of his car, and made their way to his flat.

No one said a word when Regulus was driving, but Sirius knows how much his brother cares for him.


Authors note:

Thank you for 20K reads!


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