Chapter 04

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Anadil and Aliya were heading to their first class in the afternoon which is Defence Against The Dark Arts Anadil's excited, but in the same time she's nervous, she's nervous that she'll let a thing or two slip out of her mouth.

"If it isn't little Anadil" Wood said as he approached the two, Anadil rolled her eyes and Wood chuckled.

"I thought you said you wouldn't bother me anymore?" Anadil asked and Wood chuckled ones more.

"I won't bother you that much, I like it when you get angry you look cute", Wood said and Anadil stared at him in disbelief.

"Not a good day to joke around Woody" She spat and Oliver chuckled, "Stop chuckling it's not funny", Anadil said and Wood smiled.

"Well I'll see you at Quidditch I guess", Wood said and kissed her at the cheek, Anadil's eyes widen and looked at Aliya.

"Looks like ickle Woody's making a move" Aliya said and Anadil smiled.

"He's just confusing me" Anadil said and Aliya rolled her eyes.

"Confusing you?" Aliya repeated out of disbelief and Anadil nodded, "He wouldn't kiss you at the cheek if he's confusing you, the boy's in love with you" Aliya said and Anadil shook her head.

"We heard the word in love" George said as he and Fred appeared beside the two.

"And the word kiss you at the cheek" Fred continued as he looked at Anadil with a smirk.

"What happened ladies?",  They both said in unison while smirking at Anadil.

"I have a feeling you already know, so why bother to ask?" Aliya said in a matter of fact tone, and Fred pouted.

"Aw, why not sugarplum?" Fred said clearly flirting with her, "We just asked and I know you love me", Fred continued with a wink and smirk.

"Oh, shove off Weasley" Aliya said and pulled Anadil to the DADA classroom.

"You're forgetting that we're in the same class" Fred continued as he flirted with Aliya.

"For ones, Fred, shove off", Anadil said and Fred pouted.

"Fine" He said and they went inside the classroom, the classroom wasn't filled with self portraits like Lockhart did when he had the room.

"Wands out please" Professor Lupin said when they were all in class.

"Good— follow me please" Lupin said the four of them gave looks before they followed Remus out of the classroom and to the Staff's room.

"Now that we're here, can anyone tell me what you think is inside this cabinet?" Remus asked Anadil looked at the cabinet and it gave a rattle, Anadil smiled it was a boggart.

Anadil's hand shot up in the air and everyone turned to her, "Yes Ms. Black", Lupin called.

"It's a boggart Professor, we tackled it at our third year" She stated and Remus smiled.

"Yes, yes, I'm well aware that you already studied this, but a bit of review wouldn't hurt, now what is a boggart?" He asked and Anadil's hand shot up ones more, and Lupin gave a nod as a sign that she may answer.

"A boggart is a shape shifter it turns into the thing or person you fear the most" Anadil stated and Lupin smiled.

"Couldn't put it better myself", He said smiling at Anadil, "Five points to Ravenclaw", Lupin smiled and Anadil smiled back.

"Now there's a spell tag can repel boggarts" Lupin said, "Now the spell is very simple, can anyone tell me the spell, and how it works?" Lupin asked the class, Aliya's hand shot up and Lupin called her.

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