Chapter 09

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After Herbology the five made their way to their last class for the day, and basically one of the worst, and now Fred and George regrets having the class, so does Lee.

"At least we can drop it after this year" Lee said trying lighten up the mood of his friends, and he only received a groan from the four.

"Why are we still taking divination again?" Aliya asked as Trelawney greeted them, Anadil laughed quietly at Aliya and sighed.

"This was your idea, remember? Since you want to open your inner eye" Anadil said copying Trelawney's voice for the last line.

"Well I'm starting to regret it" She said with a groan as Trelawney told them to open their textbooks, naturally Anadil would laugh, but she got intrigued, for their lesson for today is about dreams.

"How are we going to do this? What if we already forgot the contents of the dream?" Aliya said clearly annoyed, Anadil rolled her eyes and started to read the book, then Trelawney started to give them instructions.

"You can tell me any random dream" Anadil said as she flipped through the books ones more.

"Well let's say I dreamt about you were getting a pair of shoes?" Anadil asked as she scribbled it down at their parchment.

"Yeah- then.... - Oh! I got it Snape washing his hair with shampoo" Aliya whispered, Anadil's eyes widen and hut her playfully at the shoulder.

"Brutal" Anadil said whilst laughing silently at her friend's suggestion.

The two of them were trying to figure out what else they can put in their so-called 'dream' when the bell rang indicating that the class has ended.

As they were putting their books back at their bags, Trelawney spoke, "For your homework I want you to write a dream diary, you shall read it to your partner every week" She said in her misty voice.

"I'm off to the library" Anadil told the four.

"Why? Aren't we supposed to relax?" Fred asked as he groaned.

"I said I'm going I didn't say you have to go with me" Anadil said and the four bid her goodbye.

As she made her way to the library, she ones again saw Neville going at the same place, "Neville!" She called out and the boy looked at her direction.

"Ani!" He said as he ran to her, Anadil saw that he was more troubled than he was, when she saw him earlier that day.

"I'm screwed" He said with a groan and Anadil chuckled, "What are you doing anyways?" Anadil asked and Neville sighed.

"I'm supposed to pass the essay to Snape, then Professor McGonagall gave me an essay at Transfiguration", He said with a groan and Anadil sighed.

"Alright, I'll help you, c'mon" Anadil said as she and Neville made their way to the library.

As they opened the doors to the library the two of them were greeted by Madame Pince, the two of them walked to the corner and saw a table; Harry, Ron and Hermione were already sitting there.

"How're you three?" Anadil asked as she looked at the homework that the three have.

"Well divination wasn't so good" The three said and they looked at Neville.

"Hey, Neville" The trio greeted as Neville started to scribble down the core parts of his essay.

As the trio were talking Anadil started to help Neville, she was surprised that he already knew most of it and smiled.

"You'll do great by yourself Neville- Hermione can you lend Neville your notes in Potions?" Anadil asked, Hermione didn't hesitate and gave Neville her notes.

"You'll do fine Neville" Hermione said and Neville smiled.

"Thanks" He said and started to write his essay.

"I'll leave you to it then, I'll see the four of you at the Great Hall later" Anadil said, but before she can get to the door Harry caught up to her and pulled her wrist.

"What?" She asked and Harry sighed, "Uncle Moony's getting suspicious, he - he talked to me earlier with Uncle Padfoot, Ani you have to tell them soon, we - we can't continue the charade forever" Harry said and Anadil bit her lip nervously.

"We don't have Dumbledore's consent, therefore I can't tell them, when the time comes the truth will come out, and when that time come out I'll-" Anadil was cutted off when Harry spoke.

"We'll help you, we're with you, pup" Harry said and Anadil snorted, and Harry rolled his eyes.

"The only person who can call me, Pup, is Dad, and Dadfoot, you have no rights", Anadil said playfully and Harry punched her shoulder playfully.

"I'll see you at the Great Hall, for now do everything so he could be less suspicious" Anadil told him and he nodded before running back to their table at the library.

'Shit how was that suspicious? I thought I was being fairly normal- oh fuck, the scene at the owlery' She thought to herself then groaned when she remembered her little speech.

"Fucking Hell" She heard someone curse, she looked at the side and saw a boy identical to Harry, but then again she knows Harry doesn't curse.

It was James Potter, 'course she heard a fair few stories of James Potter, not because he's her godfather, because he and Regulus had a thing back in 1976 and only the two of them knew, but now Regulus had told her the story.

"What's he doing here?" She muttered to herself in French as she saw James muttering at the side a part of her wants to approach him and ask what's he doing in the castle, and the other part of her wants to leave him alone.

James caught her eye and smiled, and she smiled back awkwardly and started to walk away when she heard him call after her.

"Um, me?" She asked unsure and James nodded.

"If - erm - uhm-"

"Oh James you're scaring the kid" A blonde said from behind James, Anadil's guess that this might be Marlene Mckinnon.

"Hmm? Your Regulus' daughter? Doesn't seem like it" Marlene said as she looked the girl up and down.

"Seems like a Lupin and a Black to me" She continued and Anadil scoffed.

"No I'm sure that I am one hundred percent a Black- well not fully a Black I'm half-" Anadil thought for a while at the last name and she sighed.

"I'm half Grint, I'm a half-blood, happy?" She said, and she prayed that they would buy her lie.

"Oh, alright then, c'mon James, Lily's waiting for us" Marlene said as she started to walk, but James was glued to the spot looking at Anadil rather disappointingly.

"James! Lily's waiting for us! And I've got the paper from McGonagall!" Marlene said and James stopped staring at Anadil and followed Marlene out of the castle.

Anadil wasn't puzzled at all on why he was looking at her, she was aware why, and as much as possible she doesn't want him to know.



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