Chapter 60

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"Anadil Lupin-Black, welcome to Malfoy Manor"


Anadil's very nervous, this is her first meeting with death eaters, Regulus and Snape started to walk pass the gates, when they noticed the girl wasn't following them, Snape looked at Regulus and nodded.

Regulus walked back to Anadil and gave her a smile, "You've been training with Dumbledore and Mad-eye, I'm sure by now you know how to protect your thoughts, mask that nervousness Ani, it gives him the satisfaction that he wants.

"I want you to act brave, mask everything that seems to be out of line, be perfect — be me when I'm angry with your father, be cocky"

Regulus's little speech was enough to make Anadil smile, "Well what are we doing here then? The Dark Lord might get angry at us", She said as she raised her head high and walked to Snape.

Snape was shocked with the sudden shift, but he didn't say a thing, the three of them walked pass the gates, and straight to the room where the meeting was being held, "Ah, what a surprise, it's a good thing we saved you three a seat", The Dark Lord greeted as he saw the three.

Anadil saw a few familiar faces, some she saw at the daily prophet, some from the Black family tree, Anadil sat down beside Snape and Regulus, but she's right in front of Lucius Malfoy, Malfoy gave her a smirk and she returned it with a cold stare.

Pettigrew was also there, he gave her a grin that looked like a evil smile, Anadil thought he looked like a rat.

She saw two other faces she saw from the tree, Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange, Bellatrix escaped Azkaban from the help of the Dark Lord and it was something that amazes Anadil up 'till now.

She listened to the meeting, but what really caught her attention was when the Dark Lord called her, "Clever girl, how did you fool me?".

Anadil stared at the Dark Lord, before a dry chuckle came out of her mouth, Dolohov was shocked, everyone at the table was shocked, no one has ever done that to the Dark Lord.

"Well, If I tell you it wouldn't have been a secret, and besides you had two douchebags to check, they can be easily fooled, and for ones I thought the fake body wouldn't fool you", She answered in a cocky tone.

'Partially this is my fault, she's being too aggressive' Regulus thought to himself as he waited for a answer from the Dark Lord.

Everyone was silent as Voldemort stood up and neared Anadil, Anadil turned and gave him a look, Voldemort raised his wand, everybody was ready to see her get tortured, but Voldemort lowered it again and helped her stand up.

"Tell me dear, where did you find the courage to talk to me like that?" He asked and Anadil scoffed.

"My Lord, it's practically in my roots, I was destined to follow you and I will follow the leader my family has served in their years in the Wizarding world".

Voldemort was impressed, and Regulus can tell, Voldemort gave her a smile that looked like a smirk then turned to Bellatrix, "Well Bellatrix you were wrong about her, she isn't like her father", The Dark Lord went back to his chair and Anadil took this as a cue to sit down.

"We really do need people like you, very clever people, that's why I'm assigning you a task with let's see — ah a little bonding with your Uncle, you'll be going to the Department of Mysteries and find the weapon, of course there will be someone on guard and it's your job to stun them, or for more measures kill".

The glint in Voldemort's eye made Anadil nod, whoever the guard will be she has a bad feeling she'll fail, "If you succeed, I will be honoured to make you a member of the Death Eaters", Anadil held her head high and nodded.

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