Chapter 43

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It was time to go back to Hogwarts, yeah pretty fast if you'd ask me, but to Anadil it was really long, she was stuck with Sirius, Remus didn't elaborate that much when he said "He'll leave", and when Remus got home she told him she tried, Remus sadly smiled before nodding. Remus knows that this news will break Sirius' heart, but a miracle happened, Anadil told him she would stay.

Remus knows it isn't easy for Anadil, but he knows she's willing to do it for him, "Do you have everything ready?" Sirius asked Anadil, he was once again trying to make a conversation, Anadil didn't smile at him, but instead she gave him a nod.

Sirius smiled, at least he was making progress, Remus remembered why Anadil stayed.

"We'll be leaving a little later, we still need to wait for the Potters" Sirius said with a cheerful tone.

"Can't we meet them at the station? Usually— you know what fine", Anadil said as she took the muggle phone and dialed a number.

Remus shook his head before he turned to Sirius, "So do you want to hear the story why she stayed?" He whispered, and Sirius nodded.


Anadil was packing her stuff for Hogwarts, Regulus sent all her things when she went here, Remus went in her room to check on her.

"Hey", Remus said Anadil smiled before she stood up and hugged Remus, "I know you want to le—"

"Well, I changed my mind, Dad, consider it as tit for tat", Anadil said with a smile and Remus looked at her confusingly, Anadil noticed this before she spoke, "I'm doing you a favour?".

"Excuse me?" Remus said, "I don't get it", Remus said Anadil furrowed her brows before she spoke.

"I came out of you, so I guess I'm doing you a favour" Anadil said, Remus stared at her before he laughed, Anadil looked at him with a questioning look.

"Do — you really — think you — came out of — me?" Remus said in between his laughs, Anadil tilted her head and stared at her father, then her eyes widen.

"Saints — no way" Anadil said as she put a hand at her heart, she was about to speak when an owl swoop in and landed on her shoulder.

"It's a letter from Ali", Anadil said as she started to read it, Remus only looked at her amused.

"Trying to remove the knowledge that you inherited?" Remus said, Anadil looked at him and rolled her eyes playfully.

"Please, stop", Anadil said with a chuckle, Remus smiled at her as she wrote a reply to Aliya, "It really is a tit for tat" Anadil said.

"Well, would you consider staying, you're already—"

"I'm used to do it like this" Anadil said and Remus chuckled.


Sirius smiled at the story, Remus just told him, "If you told him the story, Dad, I swear to Merlin I'll —"

"Ok, I get it, no threats, don't worry I didn't tell him" Remus said, Anadil rolled her eyes before opening the door to welcome the Potters.

"Hey", Harry said with a smile, Anadil smiled back, before she went back to sit down.

She wasn't even looking them straight at the eye, she's afraid that they'll bring Regulus to the conversation, and she was correct, for James sat down beside her, "Any news with Regulus?".

"No recent news, none that I know of", Anadil said and James raised a brow, "Just stop asking me questions about Regulus, saints, I'm not living with him anymore, I don't know anything".

James sighed before he smiled, and and nodding, "Alright, let's go", Lily said as they went out of their house.

Anadil went to Remus and showed him a locket, "If you see Uncle Regulus at the — uhm station, just give it to him" Anadil said and Remus nodded.

"Still not talking to Sirius?" Remus asked, and Anadil looked at him amused, "Remember, tit for tat" Remus said with a chuckle.

Anadil playfully narrowed her eyes at Remus, before laughing, "Not going to fall for that, you told him didn't you?" Anadil said when they were nearing the apparition point, Remus looked back at Sirius and saw him listening.

"No", He said and Anadil snickered.

"Dad, you do realise you're a bad liar, right?" Anadil asked before she took Remus' arm, Remus looked at her amused before he shook his head.

Remus turned and the two of them apparated at the station, ones they were there, they went to the wall checked if there's a couple of muggles before running straight to it, Anadil immediately saw Regulus, and she instantly ran to him.

"Here, I told Dad to give it to you, but I saw you", Anadil said and Regulus smiled before hugging her.

"It seems like they're waiting for you" Regulus sad and kissed her forehead, Anadil smiled before giving him one last hug.

"Draco will be with you", Regulus whispered and Anadil nodded, then instead of a whistle it was a bell, "go", Regulus whispered and Anadil went with Remus and Sirius.

"Draco's with us, under the invisibility cloak" Anadil whispered to the two, and Draco clasped her hand, "Yep, he's here", Anadil said and the two nodded.

Anadil turned to James and Lily and smiled.

"Go", Sirius said with a smile, Anadil hugged him, and she went to the train with Draco.



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