Chapter 11

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They were currently at the now empty common room trying to continue the essays that they left behind at the library, "Mind telling me what you and Wood talked about" Aliya said as she was opening a new bottle of ink.

"We didn't talk, when we were on our way to the Astronomy tower we saw Dad, he - he - I don't know, the proper word, lecture I s'pose" Anadil said and Aliya nodded.

"I think that's enough for today" Aliya said as she packed her things, Anadil smiled at her and started to fix her things.


It has been a week since the two talked, and now they're currently at their Divination class, Aliya was telling Anadil a made up dream while the girl munched on some chocolates.

"You're not going to predict anything that happened in my dream, are you?" Aliya asked with a raised eyebrow and Anadil nodded.

"I'm waiting for the bell to ring" Anadil said as she checked her watch, and Aliya laughed at her best friend and looked out the window.

"I'm starting to think that I should break one rule" Anadil said out of the blue and Aliya looked at her curiously, but then gasped.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Aliya whisper shouted, but Anadil sighed.

"But sadly I can't, I want to tell them at the right time, I can't go up and tell them directly, that would be awkward, maybe I can tell them by the end of term?" Anadil said and Aliya sighed but nodded.

"It's your choice, and that's a pretty brave choi-" Aliya was cutted of by a knock at the trapdoor.

Professor Trelawney walked to the door and opened it to reveal their Defence Against The Dark Arts Professor.

"A pleasure to see you up here Professor Lupin" Trelawney said in her misty voice.

"A pleasure to see you too, may I excuse Ms. Black please?" Remus asked politely, and Trelawney smiled and gestured for Anadil.

"Yes you may" She said and Anadil looked at Aliya, Aliya nodded, and Anadil stated to pack her things, and went to Trelawney.

Lupin went down the stairs of the trapdoor and Anadil followed him, as she was munching on a piece of chocolate she wondered why, her Dad wants to talk to her.

'Perhaps he figured it out?' She questioned as they went down the spiral staircase.

"I know you're curious" Lupin said and Anadil stopped on her tracks to look at Lupin.

"I'm not in trouble, am I professor?" She asked in a rather concerned voice and Lupin chuckled at her, "Chocolate?", She asked as she broke a piece, Lupin smiled and took the piece of chocolate from her.

"Goodness no, Dumbledore needs to talk to you" Lupin said and he heard Anadil chuckle darkly.

"Funny, we were just talking about him" Anadil said in the most sarcastic voice that Lupin had heard before it was one of his own tone.

"Pray tell, why were you talking about the Headmaster while you were in class" He said as he munched at the chocolate that the girl gave her, if McGonagall would look outside her office right now, she'll be tearing up, for Lupin doesn't know that the child's his and Sirius'.

"It's nothing, to be honest, It's a family matter", Anadil said trying to avoid Lupin's gaze as they walked down a corridor.

"How's your father?" Remus asked as they turned at a corner, Anadil was taken aback but smiled.

"Well as you can see, I'm not raised here, I think you can hear that from my accent" Anadil said with a chuckle and Remus smiled.

"Yes, clearly, I think, you were born in America" Remus said and Anadil chuckled.

"You're not wrong" She said and Remus looked at her quizzically, "Basically I'm born here, but when Dad found me at his doorstep, we moved to America, and of course it was Dumbledore's orders" She said and Remus nodded.

"I think I know why you were talking about Dumbledore" Lupin said and this time it was Anadil who looked at him quizzically.

"You're questioning why you couldn't stay" Lupin said and Anadil sighed, but nodded.

"Yeah, that was it", She said with a yawn, and Remus sighed.

"Sirius wants to make amends with his brother you know" Lupin said and the two of them stopped at their tracks ones more, "He tried to find Regulus, but he never found him, the same way how we never found our daughter, but I hope we find them" He continued and Anadil smiled.

"I'm sure you'll find your daughter professor, and I'm sure that one day dad'll talk to Uncle Sirius, he just needs to make sure that Dad's free, before I left Dad has four hearings left" Anadil said.

"Your Dad's a muggle lawyer?" Remus questioned and Anadil nodded, "He didn't continue his passion to be an auror?" He continued and Anadil smiled sadly at him.

"He said that being a Lawyer is better- at least for him, but I don't believe him I think he still wants to be an auror" Anadil stated and the two of them continued to walk to Dumbledore's office.

"If Sirius talks to him, will he be forgiven?" Remus asked, but one look at Anadil's crestfallen face he knows that it'll be hard.

Anadil sadly smiled at him and said, "Dad ones told me that Uncle Sirius promised that he'll comeback for him by the end of the summer- you know when Uncle Siri run away" She pointed out and Lupin nodded, "Well that never happened, Sirius never came back, and he was stuck at Grimmuald Place, doin' Grandma Walburga and Grandpa Orion's bidding" She continued.

"I guess Uncle Sirius had too much fun at Potter Manor, that he forgot about Dad...... That's why he planned to take his best friend" Anadil said; the last one in a whisper.

"Excuse me, what did you say?" Remus questioned and Anadil smiled.

"Nothing Professor" She said and Remus nodded.

"Chocolate frogs" Remus said to the gargoyle, "This is where ai leave you" Remus said and Anadil smiled.

"Thank you for the talk, Professor", She said and Remus smiled, "When you need someone to talk to, you know your way to my office", He said and Anadil smiled and started to climb the stairs while Remus went the other way.

Before Anadil took another step she looked back and ran to Lupin and hugged him from behind, "You and Uncle Sirius make a great pair" She mumbled and ran back to the stairs.

Remus was taken aback by the gesture and smiled, his suspicions are strong and he isn't stopping, he knows that the girl had a few slip ups when talking about Regulus, sometimes she corrects herself.

"Maybe you are Anadil" He muttered and made his way to his office.



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