Chapter 01

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"Professor, out of all people why are you giving me my brother's child? Why not give her to her god parents?" Regulus asked as he let the Headmaster in, and took the toddler from him.

"You're his relative, Regulus, this would be better, the time will come when, Sirius, and Remus shall see her again, I shan't be long, I need to tell them the news" Dumbledore said as he stood up.

"Regulus, the news that I'm bringing, The Potter's, and your brother, alongside with Remus; their Daughter's dead" Dumbledore said.

"Professor, you're joking, Anadil's here and she's alive", Regulus protested, he can't believe what the Headmaster's telling him, why hide his niece? When her parents are alive.

"Time will come when they'll know" Dumbledore said, "And I'm sure you are aware that what they did was strongly illegal" He continued and Regulus looked at the bundle that he was holding, and nodded at Dumbledore.

"I am fully aware, Professor" He said with a sigh, "I just hope that they can live with it" He whispered to himself.

"And I believe, he'll be running here, both of them will, to confirm if it's true, I suggest you and your niece go to America for a few years, there's already a flat ready for you" He continued, gave Regulus a parchment and left, Regulus looked at the child he was carrying and smiled, he knows he'll be breaking Sirius, but if it'll be safer then he'll do what Dumbledore said.

"I don't want to do this, pup, but if Dumbledore thinks it's for the best then we have no choice" Regulus said with a sigh, and with a swish of his wand he was all packed.

He took his wand and they both apparated to America.


"S-sir?" Remus asked with a stutter, Dumbledore was with them, and he was telling them the news.

"She can't, can she? We left her with Harry, and Harry's alive!" Sirius protested, and Dumbledore kept a straight face, James looked crestfallen.

"I'm afraid it's true, the Dark Lord could've killed her, or at least took her" Dumbledore stated.

"Sir, a body was never found, how are you sure that Ash's dead?" James started, using the nickname that he gave the two year old girl.

"I'm quite sure that Anadil Lupin-Black's dead, and I assure you that I will inform you when we find a body", Dumbledore stated.

"But if we do find a body, I can't show you your child, if you are forgetting it is illegal, the thing that the two of you have done is illegal, that said, if the ministry finds out they'll question you, and all of us will get into trouble, I need you to accept it" Dumbledore said and they nodded, Remus started to comfort Sirius.

"If there are no further questions I shall leave" Dumbledore said, but before he went out of the door, he looked back at the three marauders.

"We will find, Pettigrew, and make sure that he's sent to Azkaban, for now celebrate the downfall of the dark lord, The Mckinnon's, and Longbottom's will see you soon", Dumbledore said and finally took his leave.

"I don't believe she's dead" Remus said.

"I don't believe it to" Lily said as she sat down with James at the couch.

"We'll find her", Sirius said.

"We'll help you, mate, we're all here, Marlene, Mary, Frank, Alice, Molly, Arthur— all of us" James said with a smile.

"For now get some rest, we can start to find her tomorrow" He continued and the two smiled before they apparated to their flat.

12 years later....

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