Chapter 26

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They had so much fun, as it reached six in the evening, Anadil went to her room with Draco and Harry.

She has a plan and that's confronting Harry.

"Harry" She called, and Draco and Harry stopped with what they were currently doing.

"Yes?" Harry asked as he stopped looking at the book, that he was holding.

"You're gay" She said, Harry was shocked she was straightforward, even Draco stopped reading the book that he took from Anadil's shelf and listened to their conversation.

"How'd you figure out?" He said awkwardly and Anadil smiled.

"Next time don't ask, Wood if you have a chance, but most importantly, have you told them?" Anadil asked, and Harry shooked his head.

"I haven't - and Malfoy, don't tell anyone what you've heard", Harry said glaring at Draco.

"Don't worry", Draco said calmly.

"Oi!" Someone said from across the street.

"Who's that?" Harry asked.

"The keeper", Anadil said with a groan when she saw that, Lupin, Sirius, James, and Lily were by the door.

"What, Wood?" Anadil asked irritatedly as she neared her window and opened it, "Happy Christmas, Ben, Renzo" She said to the two with a smile.

"Happy Christmas, Anadil", The two said returning the smile.

"Aww, I don't get one?" Wood asked with a pout.

"Why should I give you one, I'm going to bed, goodnight" Anadil said, but as she was about to close her window, Wood shouted.

"Mind if I Slytherin!" Anadil was shocked, she stopped closing her window and looked at Harry and Draco who was waiting for her remark, but nothing came.

Wood smirked and looked her up and down, "Ten points to Ravenclaw" He said with a smirk, Draco gave a chuckle and Harry was speechless.

Anadil looked at them again and this time, Lupin, Sirius, James, and Lily were inside her room as well clearly amused with what was happening.

"To bad I can't come there" Wood said with a dramatic sigh, Watson and Benedict were smirking and was waiting for Anadil's remark, truth to be told this is the first time Wood has caught Anadil off gaurd.

"You don't need accio to make me come" Anadil said with a smirk, while Benedict and Watson cheered, and Draco wolf whistled.

"That's the Anadil we know" Draco said from behind her, Anadil looked at Wood and raised a brow.

"Well I must be under the Imperius curse, 'cause I'd do that in your control and I won't fight it" Wood said with a wink, as he stared at Anadil.

"You'll be perfect with me, I'll never let you go, I'm a keeper and you know it" He said and Anadil shook her head, but smiled at him.

"Goodbye, Happy Christmas, Wood", She said as she closed her window and turned back.

"What?" She asked when she saw, Lupin, Lily, Harry, and Draco were smirking at her.

" 'you don't need accio to make me come' ? Really Ani?" Draco said and Anadil rolled her eyes.

"I've got to admit he caught me off gaurd", Anadil said.

"Yeah, he's eyes are mesmerising" Harry said with a dramatic sigh.

"What?" James said as he looked at Harry.

"Well- I - Dad - Mum, - I'm -"

"Gay?" Lily and Remus finished for him and he nodded.

"Well, Pads, Prongs, you owe me and Lily ten galleons" Lupin said with a smirk, while the two groan before handing them ten galleons, each.

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