Chapter 15

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That night Anadil went to Snape's office nervously, not because Lupin, James, and Sirius were going to be there, she's nervous because she knows she's going to have an earful from Regulus.

As she was walking down, she heard footsteps she looked back and saw, James, Sirius, and Remus.

"Good evening, Ani" James said with a smile, and Anadil smiled back, "Sorry for shouting at you the other day" He continued, Remus and Sirius looked at him in disbelief and James smiled sheepishly at the two.

"No problem, fair warning I have a trauma with shouting" She said and took a chocolate from her pocket, James wanted to ask her why, but Remus gave him a glare and he kept the question to himself.

"If you wanna ask why, it's fine, it's not a touchy subject" She said as she munched at the chocolate that she was holding, "Want one?" Anadil asked as she broke another piece for her to eat.

Remus smiled and broke a piece from the chocolate, "Can I ask you a question?" Sirius asked and Anadil hummed as a response.

"Regulus, how's he doing?" He asked hesitantly, Anadil turned to him and smiled.

"He's fine, ac—"

"What're you doing here? You didn't tell — Oh— Good evening, Sirs" Draco said and Anadil smiled at him for being polite.

"Don't get used to it" He said frowning a bit.

"It'll be dumb, If I'll ask you what you're doing here, I mean if obvious, you're a Slytherin, but pray tell, you were at Snape's office, were you?" Anadil asked and Draco nodded.

"Now I suggest that you stand straight, fix your hair and— bloody hell......... you shagged the half-blood didn't you?" Draco said the last of his sentence at a whisper.

"Shush" Anadil said and Draco grinned.

"Well I expect you to be at your best behaviour" Draco said grinning at her, "And... This" He continued as he handed Anadil a blue necktie, "You're a Ravenclaw not a Gryffindor" He said and ran off before Anadil can even argue with him.

"MALFOY YOU GIT!" She shouted after him and she heard Draco laugh.

" 'shagged the half-blood' ?" Remus questioned looking at his daughter curiously, Anadil cursed under her breath forgetting that Remus can hear the slightest bit of sounds.

"It's nothing", She muttered as they stopped walking, she took off her cloak and replaced her necktie with the blue one, she looked at the red necktie and smiled before shoving it inside her bag.

"What does, Draco mean?" Sirius asked as they neared the door to Snape's office.

"We'll see" She said she took a deep breath before knocking at the door.

They heard shuffling and the door opened revealing Snape, he opened the door wide enough for the four of them to get in, Anadil straightened her posture when she saw a man standing by the fireplace.

She heard a gasp from behind her, she looked back and saw the three staring at the man near the fireplace.

"Anadil", Regulus said in a cold tone.

"Uncle Regulus" She said trying not to stutter, Regulus sighed and opened his arms, Anadil looked at him and smiled before running to him.

Regulus embraced Anadil tightly and kissed the top of her head, Sirius looked at his brother and his daughter.

"I need an honest answer Anadil" Regulus said ones he released Anadil from the hug.

"What happened, the truth" Regulus said sternly Anadil sighed then turned to him.

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