Chapter 59

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Sirius, James, and Frank was still looking at Remus quizzically, "Why were they here? There's no meeting today", Sirius said in a grave voice.

Remus only smiled at them and offered them a bottle of firewhiskey, "Thanks mate", James said as he held Sirius's shoulder and pushed him down a chair. "Now Sirius, you're being dramatic, this is a safe house, remember?", Sirius nodded at James's statement, but he was still curious.

Frank gave Sirius a glass filled with firewhiskey, "We had a long day", Frank said and that made Sirius calm down a bit, "I'm sure that they needed something to eat or drink, right Remus?", Remus only nodded, he stopped himself from telling the three what he really wanted to say, 'Yeah they needed something, but it costs our daughter' , but then again Remus knows it's for their good.


Anadil went back to her dorm processing everything she was told, and for some reason it was much more harder than it sounds.

As promised Anadil went to Dumbledore's office everyday, each day Mad-eye Moody's always there, well for most of the days, when Dumbledore trained her for Legilimency and Occlumency, Mad-eye couldn't be found, but when it was for her defence Mqd-eye was always there.

Legilimency and Occlumency were easy for Anadil, she mastered it within a week.

Defence well let's just say Mad-eye wasn't that happy with her performance.

The easiest part of her training is sneaking out of the castle and into a secluded are where they train. Dumbledore and Mad-eye were training her to be an auror, at least that's what she understood.

It has been a month and she was sure Voldemort haven't called Regulus and Snape yet, of course this is stating the obvious since she hasn't been to a meeting, but she's sure a meeting would be held in a couple of days.

"Don't loose your focus Black!", Mad-eye scolded as Anadil dozed off.

Anadil crouched down and started to walk, paying more attention to her surroundings than herself, Anadil didn't hear anything, but she's sure someone's behind her, without a warning she raised her wand, "Stupefy".

She was correct there was a dummy behind her she walked more stunning the dummies or in this case blowing it up. She was about to blow another one up, when everything in the area disappeared, she was ones again greeted by Dumbledore and Mad-eye, by the look in Dumbledore's face she has a hunch that there's a meeting today.

Anadil ran to the two, when she reached then Dumbledore spoke, "Severus is waiting for you at my office, take my hand and I'll apparate you to Hogsmeade as soon as I can, I believe you know how to use the Honeydukes cellar?", Anadil nodded as a response.

She took Dumbledore's arm, and with a turn she was outside Honeydukes, it helped that it was a Hogsmeade weekend, this made it easier for Anadil to sneak inside the store and to it's cellar, ones she was back at Hogwarts she ran to Dumbledore's office (Getting pass the gargoyles was easy since she knew the password).

Anadil was greeted by Snape near the door, "Are you nervous?", Snape asked in his monotone and Anadil shook her head, "I'm very proud of you", This was unusual, but Anadil smiled at him.

"We'll be taking Dumbledore's floo, come on now, your Uncle's waiting for us at 12 Grimmuald place, don't worry Sirius isn't there, so he wouldn't know". Anadil nodded at this before the two of them went in the Fireplace.

Ones they arrived, they saw Regulus sitting down at a chair, Regulus quickly stood up and fixed his attire, "Molly we'll be going! Snape's with me!", Regulus called out to Mrs. Weasley.

"Alright, be safe!", Mrs. Weasley called out, Regulus looked at Anadil before crouching down.

"Get on, we don't want her to get suspicious why there's a lot of footsteps", Regulus said and his niece obeyed, they ran to the door making sure no one from the Order's coming, the three of them went to an alley to apparate, by now Anadil was off Regulus's back, but she was clutching his arm, with a turn the three of then apparated.

"Anadil Lupin-Black, welcome to Malfoy Manor"


Sirius Black was curious, very curious. He saw two or three people left Grimmuald place, he swiftly entered the house and saw Mrs. Weasley cleaning, "Who left the safe house?" He asked in a polite tone.

"Oh, Snape and your brother just left", She said and Sirius nodded, for some reason he wants to know more, but shrugged the thought off.

He went down to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of firewhiskey, Remus and James were out on a mission, Lily and Mary are both at work, Dorcas and Marlene's doing Merlin knows what, while Alice and Frank both have a mission.

Sirius Black was left by himself for a few more hours, it also means he can think about all the bad things he has done, especially to Anadil.

He wasn't the perfect father, that he'll admit, but every time he remembers that he missed a perfectly good 12 years of her life it makes him mad, he takes all his anger out on Regulus and from time to time Anadil.

He promised himself he'll make it up to Anadil, and by that Sirius Black means not fucking up his chances, he'll try to be the best father he can ever be.

A couple of hours passed and it was James and Remus who arrived first, they smiled at Sirius and told him about the not so eventful day that they had.

"It's a bit weird isn't it, Snape and Regulus came here, before they went to their mission or for this matter meeting", Sirius said and this caught the attention of the two.

Both James and Remus were both confused, "They were here?", James asked and Sirius nodded.

"I asked Molly, and looks —"

"Maybe they planned to meet here", Remus said, but he remembered what happened about a month ago, 'maybe Anadil was with them.'  He thought as the two kept on giving random ideas and Theory.

Remus laughed along, but something was bothering him, and Sirius can tell.


Date updated : December 16, 2021 (Thursday) 5:46pm

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