Chapter 16

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"I need an explanation!" Sirius said ones they were inside Remus' office, James sat at a chair and smiled sheepishly at his best friend.

"Well, me and your brother we were secretly dating at our sixth year— I didn't tell you, because I knew this was going to be your reaction— Pads I— When me and Lils became head boy and girl, I had my chance, so — as you heard from your daughter, I did in fact cheat— but I knew it was for the better— it was mutual — we-we both agreed on it" James stammered, and Sirius was still looking at him in disbelief.


"As we saw earlier he's not little nor a baby anymore, if he stepped any closer you'd notice that he's taller than you" Remus said and Sirius huffed.

"He's still my brother, and you didn't tell me!" Sirius said and James smiled sheepishly

Remus chuckled and went to his desk and started to grade papers, James was still smiling awkwardly at Sirius and Sirius rolled his eyes.

"I'm still shocked that my brother's gay!" Sirius said which caused James to chuckle.

"I think it runs in the family, Mate" James said laughing, while Sirius grinned.

"May I correct you? He's bisexual" Someone said from the door, the three turned their heads and saw Anadil leaning at the doorframe, "I'm not walking across any boundaries, am I?" She continued as she walked inside and flopped down a nearby chair.

"What're you doing here? Shouldn't you be at The Great Hall?" Remus asked, and Anadil smiled awkwardly at them.

"My feet took me here" She said as she stared at the three, Remus raised an eyebrow and she smiled trying to convince him, but Sirius saw right through her.

"What is it? You're our daughter, we should know" Sirius said and Anadil sighed.

"Fine— well — don't scare Oliver" Anadil said in a worried tone and Sirius chuckled, James rolled his eyes and made his way to Remus' fireplace.

"I'll leave the three of you" James said as he took some floo powder and disappeared at the fireplace.

"We won't scare, Wood", Remus said as he stood up from his desk and walked to the two.

"May I remind you that Uncle Reggie never manipulated me, I was raised by him, I respect him, you need to think before all of those dumb shit spill out of your mouth, he's— well different— at least from the Regulus that you knew", She stated and Sirius sniggered.

"How can he be different? He's the same person" Remus said and Anadil was shocked, but took a mental note that the full moon was near.

"The full Moon's near you don't know what you're saying", She said and Remus sighed.

"Sorry" He said, and Anadil nodded.

"He regrets all the things he have done, and number one is getting the dark mark, number two will always be falling in love with his brother's best mate, he told me stories and I feel sorry for him" She said with a slight chuckle.

"Professor McGonagall sent me a box containing notes from the both of you, she told me, that she found it at your old dorm— most of the notes contains 'before I die' promises, and you-" She said as she pointed a finger to Sirius.

"- Promised to make amends with your brother before you die, but with what you are doing, you'll never end war" She said as she looked sternly at Sirius.

"And you" She said this time looking at Remus, "Promised that you'll help him, but it seems like you're convinced with bullshit that aren't real, innit a bit out of place?" She questioned and the two looked at eachother speechless.

"Oh good your speechless", Anadil said sarcastically, and Sirius bit his lip before he spoke.

"Regulus will always be my brother, he's family" Sirius said and Anadil gave a dry laugh.

"Well if he's family, then why do you keep on making snarky remarks? Why do you shut him down? I know I'm not in the place to ask or interrogate you, but it's — it's bullshit!" She ranted as she stood up from her chair.

"Don't you think it's time for you to let it go? I know you're still jealous of him— for being that perfect child that you weren't— you promised him you'd come back, but you never came back, what kind of brother are you? If you can't keep a promise to your brother, then how am I sure you'd keep a promise as my Father?" She stated and Sirius shook his head, and looked at Remus.

"We looked for you, everyday, there's no day that we weren't worried, the day Dumbledore told us the news we were broken, if we knew you were with Regulus we could've killed him" Remus said staring at his daughter.

"Then thank God, you didn't found us then, who could've that this was a blessing in disguise" She spat and walked to the door.

"By the way, I never imagined that one day I'll be meeting you and talk to you, I never knew it'll be this dramatic" She said finally cracking a smile then left.

"Who could've thought that she felt that way?" Sirius asked as the door closed, Remus kissed the top of his head and hugged him.

"No one knew, we were the first", He said and Sirius kissed him at the lips.

"Wish we could talk to her properly, I wish that she'll understand everything at our point of view" Sirius said when they broke from the kiss.

"That's the problem she'll never understand, she was raised to be our child, she's stubborn, just like you, It'll be a miracle of she understands, and Merlin I have got to thank Regulus for raising her as his own" Remus said and kissed Sirius' forehead.

"I'll see you and the others this weekend", Remus said as Sirius went to the fireplace.

"Me and Prongs will do our rounds" Sirius said with a sad smile.

"We'll find Wormtail and put him behind bars" Remus said, "It'll hurt, but we have to accept it" He continued, and after that Sirius left through the fire.



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