Chapter 44

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It has been a month since they arrived at Hogwarts, and they've been told about the Triwizard tournament, a lot were excited and were thinking about joining, but now they have to wait for the arrivals, the other schools, Beauxbatons and Durmstrung.

Anadil was with Aliya at the very back, it was easy to see who's there and who's not, but what bothered them was the wait that they were having, it was cold outside and thanks to their scarves and their school robes, it lessened the cold, a few hours earlier she was happy, for Sirius visited Regulus (this time thinking about the time difference), and he said sorry and as far as she knows they're already in good terms

"Anadil", Aliya nudged her as a carriage landed, and came down a very huge lady, Anadil was shocked, she was more shocked to see that she was larger than Hagrid is. "There's another feast and I'm stuffed from yesterday" Aliya continued as she groaned.

"Diggory, looks fine, how come you didn't talk to him last year? Aren't you friends?", Aliya asked, Anadil hummed as she looked around.

Then a person tapped her on the shoulder, "I figured that you were to busy with Wood, that's why I didn't", It was Diggory, Anadil smiled before punching his shoulder lightly.

"Not my fault", Anadil said with an eyeroll, Diggory looked at her and stuck his tongue out.

Aliya snorted at the two, "You two act like kids", Aliya said, Diggory smiled at the two of them before going to the Hufflepuffs.

Anadil chuckled before she stared from a far, she was lost in her thoughts, when Aliya tapped her ones mire, "Stop dozing off" Aliya scolded as she gripped her scarf tighter, Anadil saw that most of the students were going back inside the castle, and she also noticed that they were holding up the line, with a apologetic smile, she and Aliya followed the other Ravenclaws inside the castle.

"They're sitting on our table?" Anadil questioned as she saw them, Anadil shuddered at the thought, but followed them back at the table, all through out Dumbledore's speech, Anadil didn't listen she just stared at a far ones more, this time thinking why the heck she hates the girl with long silvery hair.


Now let's move on to NYC where Regulus Black's doing his papers and getting ready for a hearing, but what shocked him the most is when someone knocked on his door, he isn't shocked about the knock, he's shocked on who went in.

"Aren't you supposed to he in Britain?" He asked calmly as Mary came in, he wasn't looking at her he was just looking at his papers.

"I see that you're still workaholic", Mary said, still standing, Regulus noticed this before he smiled to himself.

"Sit down", He said and Mary sat at one of the chairs in front of him, Regulus laid the paper down, and looked at Mary, "Now, what can I do for you today?" Regulus asked politely and Mary smiled, but he saw the way Mary bit her lip, "Something wrong?" He asked and Mary shooked her head.

"You're a bad liar", Regulus said in a matter of fact tone, Mary chuckled before turning to him.

"Well, you barely know me, and I know I act weird when you're there - what are you doing?" Mary asked when she noticed, Regulus stood up and sat at the chair in front of her.

"Well, I think you'll talk to me better if we're doing this face to face" Regulus said.

Mary huffed, then took a deep breath before she spoke, "We were face to face there, why did-" She was cutted off when she felt Regulus' lips on hers, she froze for a second before she kissed back, Regulus pulled away and sheepishly smiled at her.

"I'm sorry, I - I got carried away" Regulus said, Mary was about to speak ones more, but someone knocked, "Yes?".

"Court in five" The person said, Mary stood up and was about to speak again, but Regulus beat her to it, "I - well I need to go, have a safe apparition", Regulus said and left, Mary was shocked she touched her lip, before she smiled to herself.

"Dang a good kisser", Mary said before she left Regulus' office, she found an alley before apparating.

She appeared in an alley near Marlene and Dorcas' flat, she walked a few paces before knocking at their door, "Come in", She heard Marlene said, Mary opened the door before crashing at the couch.

"Bloody hell, What's happening?" Dorcas asked as she sat down beside Mary, Mary just stared at her before she started squealing, Marlene went out of the kitchen and looked at Mary amused.

"She's blushing", Marlene pointed out and Dorcas nodded, ", Why's she blushing?" Marlene asked.

"I kissed Regulus Black — don't tell Sirius, he'll freak out — Marlene before you say anything I know, but he's bi, don't worry", Mary said as she pointed a finger at Marlene.

"That's great!" Dorcas said as she stood up, Marlene paced around and smiled at Mary, "Finally your long time crush", Dorcas continued, and Marlene looked at her quizzically, and Mary groaned.

"Excuse me, long time crush?" Marlene asked, and Dorcas looked at Mary apologetically, "You have a crush on him? Since when?" Marlene asked, "We need tea", She continued.

"Ever since Sirius pointed him out", Mary said, and Marlene couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"You told her, but not me and Lily?" Marlene asked, and Mary nodded.

"Merlin, fine I won't tell Sirius", Marlene said when she saw Mary's puppy eyes, Mary smiled and hugged Marlene and Dorcas.

"Thank you", Mary said while hugging the two, "We need to tell Lily, promise?" Dorcas asked as she broke away from the hug.

Mary looked at the two and nodded, "Great we can call her now!" Dorcas said as she took the phone and dialed the Potter's home number.

Mary looked at them with a smile, but then someone knocked at the door ones more, Marlene excused herself before opening it, Mary smiled to herself as she held her lip.

"Mary, look who's here", Marlene said as she guided Sirius and Remus inside.

"Hey", Mary said with a smile and the two smiled back.

"We were with, Regulus earlier, he said that you were there, why were you there?", Sirius asked, Mary looked at Remus for help, but he only smirked.

Marlene and Dorcas was behind Mary, and started to nudge her, "I just talked to him, something important — you see my cousin needs a lawyer — and — erm — well I thought of Regulus, so nothing much" Mary said and Sirius nodded.

"Oh well yes, my brother is very nice", Sirius said as he smiled proudly, "smart as well" He added.

Mary couldn't hide her blush, she isn't going to tell Sirius that she kissed his brother, at least not now.


Authors note:

Sorry if it took me so long to update, and thank you for all the reads and votes! I really appreciate it.


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