Chapter 31

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"Brother? Funny as far as I can remember you left me, be happy that I talked to you this past months, you need to thank your daughter for that" Regulus said and reached for his wand, and was about to disapparate when Sirius held his shoulder, then the two of them were gone.


As Regulus apparated in front of 12 Grimmuald place, Sirius was still holding tight at his shoulder.

"I really thought you'd let go" He said as he opened the door of their childhood home.

Sirius gagged, he promised himself he wouldn't go here anymore, but now here he was following his brother to the kitchen, "What're we doing here?", He asked when Regulus knocked at the tiny cupboard.

"Master Regulus!" His question was answered when the cupboard opened to reveal Kreacher.

"Hello Kreacher" Regulus said as Kreacher jumped around.

"Wasn't that cheerful as I remember" Sirius muttered.

Kreacher looked at him and sneered, "Master Regulus has bro-"

"Kreacher", Regulus said in a warning tone and the house elf, looked down, "Leave us for a moment", Regulus said and the house elf bowed bowed then left.

"Why are we here? More important question, why did you apparate here?" Sirius asked more calmly, Regulus turned to him then sat down.

"The question is why didn't you let go, it's obvious that you don't want to talk to me" Regulus said, Sirius looked at his brother then looked down.

"I don't hate you, Reggie" Sirius said, "You're my br-"

"For the last time you stopped being my brother when you left ms here, don't you understand, ever since we started Hogwarts, we have our own lives, we're not kids anymore Sirius, we're different" Regulus said and Sirius looked down.

Sirius looked back up to be met by his brother's eyes, "Can't we start over? Make up for the years we were apart?" He asked and Regulus looked at him with a cold stare.

"I'll think about it, but for now I think it's better if you stop talking to me, the howler was the last straw" Regulus said.

"We'll be going, Kreacher! I'll visit with Anadil soon!" He called out then left the house.

As he left the house Regulus went back to America, their flat to be exact.

He exhaustedly sat down at the couch and put his head on his hands, then the memory of the howler came back.


It was a peaceful day for Regulus he had no hearings to attend and there weren't any meetings, and no clients, that means he can have a short break from being a Attorney.

As he sat down at his bed reading a book, an owl swooped in a letter in hand, Regulus looked at it quizzically since it's a howler and Anadil would never give him a howler.

He took the howler from the owl, and opened it before it can explode.

"REGULUS BLACK" His brother's voice boomed from the howler.

'Of course how stupid of me' He thought to himself as the Howler started to rant.


"The audacity of this man" Regulus spat as the howler continued.


Regulus boiled in anger as it started ripping itself, he ones again wrote to Anadil and this time he told her about the howler, but not it's content.


Now Regulus' at his table clutching a pen, everytime he remembers the content of the howler, he wants to stab Sirius, but he kept his cool for a long time, why break it now?

Break it now that he's finally happy? Break it now that Sirius knows that he has his daughter? Break it now when he knows he can't live without Anadil?

A lot of questions went into Regulus' mind, but all in all he just wants Anadil to be happy, and it's up to her if she stays with Regulus or go with her Father.

As Regulus was about to go out of his room, he heard a knock and that made him run to the front door, when he opened it he saw Mary McDonald.

"Let me guess, Sirius ordered you to go here?" Regulus asked, and Mary shook her head as a 'no'.

"Then what do you need?" Regulus asked, Mary sighed and stared at him.

"Aren't you going to let me in first?" Mary asked, Regulus stepped aside and opened the door wide enough for Mary.

"Thank you", She said then walked pass him.

Ones the two were inside Mary gave him a cup of hot chocolate, "Drink it, I know Sirius did something stupid" She said, Regulus stared at it, then at Mary.

"I don't poison people" She said, then Regulus drank it in one go.

"I don't usually get guests here, so I don't know what to do" Regulus said after a long silence.

Mary chuckled, and Regulus thought she's beautiful, but then again he shaked that feeling away knowing that he barely know the girl.

"You might be wondering why I'm here" Mary said and Regulus nodded cockily.

"I just wanted to check on you, no-nothing special" She said with a smile then left.

Regulus was shocked with it, a friend of Sirius wanted to check on him? It sounded to good to be true, Regulus pinched himself, and it's true, he wasn't dreaming, Mary McDonald visited him.

At least now he knows that not all of Sirius' friends are a bunch of assholes who follow James and Sirius around.

And with that he remembered something that happened in the past, it was his fourth year....


Fourteen year old Regulus Black was walking at the Hogwarts express, he was finding a compartment that he can sit on for the rest of the journey, given that he doesn't have that much of a friend, or someone to call as a friend he had no compartment to sit on.

As he was walking someone called him by the name of his brother, then it became louder, but he ignored it and continued to walk.

When the person caught up to him, they touched his shoulder, and he flinched.

"If you're looking for my brother he's not with me" He spat as he turned around and saw a black haired boy with rectangular glasses.

The boy smiled at him sheepishly and scratched his nape, "Sorry, I thought you were, Sirius, do you want to go with me and find him, you seem pretty lonely" The boy said Regulus only looked at him and said nothing.

The boy chuckled at him and this caused, for Regulus to look at him quizzically.

"How rude of me, I'm James, James Potter" James said with a smile as he lend his hand to Regulus.

"And you're Regulus Black", James said, Regulus was shocked, but he nodded.

"I'm guessing you're one of my brother's friend?" Regulus asked and James nodded proudly.

"More like a follower", Regulus mumbled.

"What?" James asked and Regulus shook his head.

"You go find him, I don't get along with him that much" Regulus said and walked away.


Regulus smiled at the memory, but grimaced as well, it was the reason why he liked James, their first talk with eachother, and now he shook the feeling away, and drank a strong cup of tea to forget it.



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