Chapter 10

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It has been a week since they started their classes and the fifth years and Seventh years are given much more homework; mostly essays.

As for Anadil and Aliya they spent most of their time (like most of the fifth and seventh years) inside the library, most of the seats and table are taken, and that forces the other year levels that aren't going to take O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s, were forced to study at the Great Hall.

Anadil haven't told Aliya about her encounter with James Potter and Marlene Mckinnon last week, she was too busy that she had barely enough time to eat.

"You're still continuing Quidditch, right?" Aliya asked ones they were done with their Transfiguration essay, and Anadil nodded.

"The seasons close" Anadil said with a groan as she started to stare at the pile of books in their table, Aliya sighed and gave Anadil her potions book.

"Hey, Ali, before we continue with this I need to tell you something important" Anadil said and Aliya stopped scribbling to listen to Anadil, when Aliya didn't spoke, she sighed and looked at her hands, before telling her everything that happened last week.

"Fucking shit" Aliya said out of shock, after a few minutes of silence Aliya spoke again, "If they're getting suspicious why isn't, Professor Lupin confronting you, then?" It was evident that Anadil wasn't shocked.

"I have been avoiding him for the past week, he has no chance with talking to me, and I made it clear before, I'll tell them when I get Dumbledore's consent" Anadil said and Aliya looked at her with disbelief.

"Bullshit Anadil" Aliya said and Anadil smiled sheepishly.

"Don't lecture me Ali" Anadil said and Aliya sighed, "Alright I won't, let's forget about it, and let's continue our homework, we have a lot to worry about, let's forget about this, and when we're done with everything, we'll talk about it" Aliya said and Anadil nodded.

The two of them were halfway through there Potions homework, when someone pulled a seat and sat down beside Anadil, Aliya looked up and saw, Wood he was getting his things as well and placed it at the table.

"May I ask why you're here?" Aliya asked when she noticed that, Anadil wasn't going to speak, and address the boy beside her.

"I'm studying....... Isn't that obvious?" Wood said hesitantly as he met Aliya's glare, Anadil chuckled at Aliya, she stood from her chair and flicked Aliya at the forehead.

"Can't you be nice with, Wood?" Anadil asked and Aliya rolled her eyes, Anadil looked at Wood and raised an eyebrow.

"I know that she already asked, but I'm asking again, what're you doing here— and don't tell me the studying shit" Anadil said and Wood gestured for Aliya to leave them alone for the meantime.

"No way" Aliya said as she stayed put, "I'm not leaving" She continued and Wood sighed.

"Suite yourself, I guess" He said and faced Anadil.

"Do— do you want to go to the — uhm — erm — Astronomy tower — with me? To loosen up?" Wood asked; He hopefully wished that Anadil says yes, and to his surprise she did.

"See you at the dorm later" Anadil told Aliya as she and Wood left the library.

Wood pulled Anadil out of the library and led the way to the Astronomy tower, "What exactly are we going to talk about?" Anadil asked as they climbed up the staircase.

"What do yo—" Wood was cutted off when someone cleared their throat in front of them.

"May I ask what a seventh year and a fifth year's doing up here?" The man questioned the two looked up and saw that it was Professor Lupin, Anadil's been trying to avoid him, but looks like luck wasn't at her side.

"We wer going to talk Professor, loosen up" Wood explained, and Anadil looked the other way.

"I see, but you might get caught by Filch" Remus said giving the two a hint that they shouldn't be up at the Astronomy tower.

Wood opened his mouth to protest, but Anadil answered the Professor, "A spare bit of parchment can help us" At the mention at this Remus looked at her quizzically, but then he remembered the map Ron and Harry were using.

"Nothing", She said as she urged Wood that they should be going, "C'mon Fred and George can help us, they're always up to no good" She continued and he confirmed that they have the map.

As Anadil and Wood walked away, Remus was stuck at the spot, she couldn't be talking about the map.

"Filch has the map" He said to himself and walked back to his office.

As he was walking back he saw Fred and George with a piece of blank parchment that looked exactly like their map, and now he knows that the next generations using the map.

He shooked his head and made his way inside his office, ones he was there he sat at his chair and looked at their family picture, his suspicion that Anadil's their daughter is rising everyday, from her encounter with James (Which James told him, the girl looks like Sirius), and the scene at the Owlery the other day.

He doesn't want to assume but he has a strong feeling that Anadil isn't who she says she is, and now he just needs a strong believable proof.

Sirius says that when they find her he'll make sure the ministry won't find out, that when they find her, he'll make amends with Regulus, when they find her they'll be a proper family.

'Ones I prove that you're our little pup, I'll make sure you'll be safe' He thought to himself as he looked at his wrist watch.



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