Chapter 13

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Ones Anadil, and Draco were out of sight, James looked at Remus and Sirius.

"Remus, she's our little girl" Sirius said while he hugged Remus, Remus looked at James and James smiled.

"And I can't believe she's been with Regulus", Sirius said through gritted teeth as they made their way to Remus' office.

"The others are waiting for us there" Lily said and the three nodded.

"She was talking with Snape, right?" Remus sked and James nodded.

"Surprisingly, Wood was there told me a few things, and I can't believe that Harry knows and he never told us", James said and Sirius was shocked.

When they reached the office Remus opened it and saw, Marlene, Alice, Frank, Mary, Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

"I guess you already know?" Harry asked nervously as he saw the glare of his father and godfather.

"Yes and you're in big trouble, how come you three never told us?" James said as he sat down in front of the three Hermione sighed and looked at the adults who were staring at the three of them.

"We gave our word to her, she can't tell you without Dumbledore's consent, I'm surprised that you already know, the question is how" Hermione said as she eyed James.

"She was bound to tell us anyway, Dumbledore already gave his consent, while I was walking at the hall I heard her talking to Snape", James protested.

"So you were eavesdropping" Ron said in a matter of fact tone, but James ignored the statement.

"Regulus must've took her for revenge", Sirius said and the others kept quiet.

"What Regulus didn't want to do it, we get it that the two of you are in war, but he wouldn't do that kind of thing" Mary said and Marlene sniggered.

"Oh, c'mon we all know that ever since then Regulus wants to take revenge" Marlene said with a sneer.

"Neville said she's a nice kid, she's been helping him, so there's no way that Regulus took her for revenge, if he did took her for revenge then she should hate the Gryffindors", Alice stated.

"She has a point" Remus said, but Sirius groaned.

"Sirius, James, the both of you are blinded by anger" Lily said with a small smile.

"Anger or not Regulus still took—"

"Attorney Black didn't take her, alright." Hermione said, frustrated that they're jumping to conclusions.

The whole rooms attention was at her, "We're not going to tell them that!" Ron said and Hermione glared at him.

"Don't you think it's better of they know" Hermione said and she looked at Harry.

Harry opened his mouth to speak, but was saved when someone knocked at the door, Remus walked to the door and opened it to reveal McGonagall and Dumbledore.

"Professor" Remus said as he opened the door, but he was shocked when he saw Anadil beside them.

"Professor, I think I need to go, I don't think an explanation would change their minds— and besides—"

"No, Ms. Black you're staying" Dumbledore said and pushed Anadil inside, Anadil looked at McGonagall for help, but McGonagall sighed and glared at Dumbledore.

Anadil sat down beside in between Hermione and Ron.

"How did he know?" Ron asked and Anadil sighed.

"He overheard my conversation with Snape, and why's everyone staring at me, like I'm three?" Anadil whispered to the three.

"We don't know" The three whispered in unison, Hermione looked at Anadil then at Sirius, but she did a double take at the girl's necktie, then smirked, she was about to point it out, but kept quiet.

"You might be wondering why you're here" Dumbledore said to Anadil as he smiled.

"I think I knew" Anadil whispered and Hermione nudged her.

"Ms. Black, I believe Mr. Potter heard your conversation with Professor Snape" Dumbledore said.

"I don't deny" Anadil said, "Why does this feel like I'm in a hearing?" She continued and Hermione laughed.

"Professor if you're here to clean Uncle Reggie's name, I'll be happy to stay, but if we're here to hear their bullshit then I'd rather be back to my dorm and read my Uncle's letter, you were the one who took me to take me away from harm, since what they did was illegal" Anadil said everyone fell silent and looked at Dumbledore.

"I don't deny that fact, I should've told you, but at that time the ministry was killing children that have been conceived illegally" Dumbledore said, and Anadil stood up from her chair.

"You should believe Dumbledore, for all I know the past years of my life has been a shitshow, but now I guess if I stayed with you then that's the shitshow, not the twelve years of my lif in Queens" Anadil stated.

"Regulus would be proud that you're defending him" McGonagall said and Anadil smiled.

"Well I learned from the best, does the jury need to judge me? Or will all of you stare at me like I'm a fucking three year old?" Anadil said as she covered her necktie.

"Regulus would be proud that you're following his footsteps at court", Dumbledore said and Anadil chuckled.

"He's already proud" She said, and neared the door, "May I head back to my dorm, Professor?" Anadil asked Dumbledore.

"No" He said and Anadil leaned at the door.

"What am I going to do here Professor? Listen to them rant? They're jumping to conclusions that aren't real, why can't they accept the fact that no matter what they would do, It'll take a long time to forgive them, at first it was Uncle Prongs, but then from what I've heard from the door, I guess that was enough" Anadil said.

Sirius stepped forward, and so did Remus, Anadil closed her eyes, and pinched herself.

"This isn't a dream, pup" Sirius said in the verge of tears as he and Remus neared the girl.

"Well that sucks, I wanted it to be one", She said as she reached for the door handle and went out of the room.

"Better luck next time by the way?" Anadil called out as she ran to the Ravenclaw tower.

'I really thought this was going to make me happy, but when I heard their remarks on the person who raised me, I changed my perspective, maybe I should keep on avoiding them, Dad didn't say anything when Dadfoot, and the others kept saying stuff, 'course a few were defending Uncle Reggie' She thought as she saw the eagle knocker.

"You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I’m quick when I’m thin and slow when I’m fat. The wind is my enemy."  It asked and Anadil was glues to the spot.

She paced back and forth, repeating the riddle.

"I serve you by expiring— quick when thin— slow when fat— is it a candle?" She asked the hopefully and the door opened, Anadil went in and saw Aliya waiting for her patiently at the common room, Regulus' letter in hand.

Aliya smiled at her and gave her the letter, Anadil opened it and impatiently opened it.


I hd the fastest owl deliver this, this however isn't a response to your previous letter, Severus told me that they already know, I can't put it all in this letter, you need to meet me at Severus's office, by the fireplace, Tomorrow after dinner.


"How'd it go?" Aliya asked and Anadil sighed clearly frustrated.

"I'll tell you tomorrow with the others", She said and Aliya nodded.



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