Chapter 55

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"Who the hell was that?", Marlene asked, and that caused Regulus to laugh.

He knew very well a trio was eavesdropping at their game, but he didn't dare talk, "That was the twins with Anadil", He said with a sigh.

The Gryffindors looked at him and he nodded, "They know", Mary said as she covered her face, Regulus looked at her and gave her a half smile.

"So what of they know, it's a good thing they know.... They'll know who the woman I love is" Regulus said as he stood up, "I'm a bit knackered, I'm going to bed", Regulus left the room not letting anyone speak.

Regulus was about to turn a corner when he caught sight of Anadil and The twins, "Eavesdropping's bad but you still did it", Regulus said and the three smiled sheepishly at him.

"We heard all of it", Anadil said with a smile, "After fourteen? Fifteen years? You finally have someone, go for it Reg".

Regulus at Anadil before hugging her, "I will and I'll make sure of it".


It was time to leave for Hogwarts, the lot looked at eachother before entering the barrier, truth to be told it was difficult to get all of them in.

"Be sure to write, but don't be to precise, alright?", Regulus reminded them and they nodded as a response, "And remember the ministry sent someone at Hogwarts to maintain 'balance' ", He continued with air quotation.

The lot nodded before boarding the train, "I heard they sent a toad to Hogwarts", Anadil said and that caused Draco to laugh.

"I'm not kidding", She said and Draco stooped and nodded, "A pink toad, Regulus told me about it and I was quite surprised".

"He calls someone from the ministry a 'toad' ?", Fred and George said and Anadil nodded.

"Course the information was from the Marauders", The twins looked at eachother before smirking.

"I think we can welcome the pink toad to Hogwarts", George said with a smirk and Anadil groaned.


As they arrived at Hogwarts, Anadil went to the Ravenclaw table to meet up with Aliya, "How's summer?".

Anadil smiled before telling Aliya everything that happened, "Your heart stopped and Wood saved you? Blimey, he really is the perfect guy for you", Aliya said when her friend finished her story.

Anadil chuckled and for the first time she listened to Dumbledore's speech, but it was cut short, for The Professor in pink interrupted him, no one interrupted the Headmaster whenever he gives his speech, so this one was shocking, "For ones I listen and now I lost interest", Anadil said and Aliya laughed.

The professor started to speak in a high pitched voice, it was sickeningly sweet at the same time, "Her voice can give me a toothache", Aliya said and Anadil sniggered quietly.

As Professor Umbridge spoke (The lot found out her name, because of her speech), "This is going to be a eventful year", Anadil said.

Aliya chuckled at her friend Before agreeing.


When they were back at their dorm, Aliya sighed and plopped down at her bed, "Another eventful year where Potter gets hunt down by Voldy".

Anadil sniggered at her remark, "Well at least it's our last year", Anadil said and Aliya smiled as a response.

The two got ready for bed, knowing Tomorrow's a eventful day.....

The next morning Anadil woke up Aliya, for their first class, Aliya woke up with a groan, but when Anadil told her that they have classes she jolted up faster than Anadil.

Anadil chuckled at this before gathering her things, Flitwick gave them their timetable (both of their timetable) earlier that morning, when she was at the common room, to their surprise DADA's their first subject.

"Well it's a good thing you woke me up, I don't want to be on the bad side of that ministry toad" Aliya said, with a chuckle as she and Anadil made their way to the Great Hall.

As the two were walking they caught a glimpse of Draco running to them, Anadil looked at her cousin quizzically, "Any reason why you're running?", Aliya asked the blonde in front of them.

"Just so you know I received a letter from Uncle Regulus, just this morning I was surprised, but at the same time very happy for him", Draco said as he handed Anadil the letter.

Anadil and Aliya looked at it before reading it.

Draco and Anadil,

I know I should've told you when you were here, but we weren't official yet, Anadil I know you heard everything..... The one with the truth or dare (Veritaserum included).

I'm here to tell you that after a while of looking at her, smiling at her awkwardly and making small talk, I had the courage to ask her out before you let were sent to Hogwarts.

When you lot were on the train, Mary pulled me to the apparition point, at first I didn't know why, but when we apparated at her house, and pulled me inside I knew something was about to happen.... Don't worry we didn't do anything..... She kissed me and then I told her I love her.....

Now she's my girlfriend.....


"No shit Sherlock", Aliya and Anadil said at the same time as they finished reading the letter from Regulus.

Draco looked at the two with a smile, the two were still in a state of shock, but considered the smile Draco was giving them, "Well we're shock", Anadil said as Aliya gave the letter back to Draco.

Draco smiled at them before leaving, "The year starts today, but it's already that eventful", Aliya said , the both of then chuckled at this before they went to the Great Hall for breakfast


Date and time updated : October 30, 2021 (Saturday) 11:37 pm

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