Chapter 24

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Watson took the silencing charm off, and looked at Anadil, then spoke, "Your plan will work, and when it does, they'll be sorry for what they did".

"Ones, you and Oliver, put your heads together, hell will break loose" Benedict stated, "Now I understand why you and Ali, get along so well, one to defensive the other a plan maker" He continued.

Anadil smiled at them, "Plans the unexpected" Watson corrected his brother.

As the four were talking, they didn't notice that Sirius, James, Remus and Regulus was at the door.

"We shouldn't bother them, as you can see they're talking and as far as I'm concerned you lot have a record with eavesdropping" Regulus said as he crossed his arms.

The three listened to him and followed him back to the living room, "It's kind of you to let us visit" Sirius started, he was ones again trying to make a conversation with his brother.

"Don't thank me, if it wasn't for your daughter, I wouldn't have gave you the address" Regulus said.

"How come?" James asked curiously.

"Well she told me that her life's a shitshow, that it's bullshit", Regulus said as if it's nothing, "But then again she said, she thought wrong" He continued.

"Tea or coffee?" Regulus asked the three.

"Coffee", The three answered and Regulus hummed as a response.

As he made coffee, the three looked around the living room, if you'd ask Sirius it's like Regulus' room back at Grimmuald Place, the only difference is it isn't all green.

"Nice place" James said and Remus snickered at his friend.

"Well, thanks took a couple of months to settle in, but it turned out pretty good" Regulus said as he handed the three their coffee.

Sirius drank his coffee in one go, "Aren't you going to question if I put anything in your drink? I dunno maybe poison?" Regulus said as he stared at the three coldly.

James and Remus looked at eachother, then at Sirius, they saw a smile curled up in Regulus' lips, "I'm kidding, I like to see you lot a bit scared" Regulus said as he drank his coffee.

"So, there's no... Poison?" James asked and Regulus chuckled.

"Potter, if there was poison in your drink, I wouldn't 'ave drank mine" Regulus said and James mumbled something before he drank his coffee.

"But don't worry, if it does I'm sure I'll remember which cup I dropped it in" Regulus coolly said as he drank his coffee ones more, James stopped drinking his coffee and looked at it terrified.

Remus laughed at James and Sirius, "You do know he's kidding, right?" He questioned the two.

"You can never be too sure, Moony, for someone who hates us, we don't know what he might do" Sirius said, and they heard Regulus scoff.

"If I wanted to kill you I'd leave no trace behind, though you gave me an idea" Regulus said.

"You lot staying for dinner?" Regulus said as he waved the matter off.

"The two of us will, Prongs' going home" Sirius said and Regulus gave a nod as a response.

"Well, I'll call Anadil and the three boys, surely they want to say goodbye", Regulus said sarcastically.

"I can hear your sarcasm, Reg", James said and Regulus shrugged before going up the stairs and to Anadil's room.

Sirius, James, and Remus were left at the living room, "Wood and Anadil were a bit comfy with eachother upstairs" James said.

"Let's leave it, to be honest with you I'm confused— Wood wanted our consent" Sirius said.

"Yes, that's true, but you didn't give it to him, right? I think that was the only thing that stopped them from fighting", Remus said.

"Well, we need a plan, Harry likes Anadil, so it wouldn't be hard to per—"

"Sirius, we're not persuading our daughter to date Harry, you heard her earlier, she wouldn't" Remus said and Sirius and James nodded.

"Tell Harry have a happy Christmas, and if you come across the Weasley twins tell them thank you" Anadil said from behind them, well more to James.

"I will" James said and hugged Anadil, then said good-bye to his two friends Before he went out of the house.

"Dinner will be served in an hour" Regulus said, "Who wants to help?" He continued, the three boys smiled and walked towards him.

"What?" The three said in unison when they saw Remus and Sirius looking at them curiously.

"Cooking's a platform that our Mum's have taught us" The Watson siblings said, Sirius nodded and looked at Wood.

"As an only child I was taught a lot of things, especially by Mum, taught me how to cook at the age of eight, Dad taught me Quidditch at four", He explained and Sirius nodded, getting more impressed with Wood.

"Well then, I guess I'll leave the three of you to talk" Regulus said as they made their way to the kitchen.

"Wow, I'm thankful to have you as a fourth cousin!" Anadil shouted at Regulus.

"I'm glad!" Regulus shouted back.

"Dipshit!", Anadil shouted, and a moment later she got hit by book at the head.

"Uh— yeah sorry" Anadil said as she rubbed her head, "I have got to remember that he can use magic" Anadil said with a scoff.

"You're used to it?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah, it happens in a daily basis, I like to annoy Regulus all the time, he doesn't care, but I know my limits" Anadil said with a smile.

" 'Course you lot knew him differently, so I guess it'll be hard for you to believe that Regulus Black has a soft spot" She said.

"I know" Sirius said with a smile

"How're you?" Remus asked Anadil.

"I'm fine, dad, I should be the one asking you, how are you? You know with the full moon in a couple 'o days you must be exhausted" Anadil said and Remus smiled at her.

"I'm fine don't worry z I have Wolfsbane, and don't forget to drink your potion" Remus said in a warning tone and Anadil nodded.

"Madame Pomfrey will kill me if I don't drink it" Anadil said with a shudder, while Remus and Sirius chuckled.



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