Chapter 19

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When, Wood entered his dormitory, he was more than happy to see his best friend sitting on his bed, "You lost the match, but you're smiling like a fucking idiot" Watson said as Wood made his way to his bed and looked him straight at the eye, a smirk plastered on his face.

"I know that glint" Watson said matching his smirk, Wood raised and eyebrow, but Watson laughed.

"I know you better than anyone, Oliver Benjamin Wood, spill it" Watson said as he stood up from his bed and stretched.

"Well let's just say, Sirius Black didn't give me his consent" With Wood's words, Watson's smile faltered, and looked at his friend rather quizzically, but then his eyes widen when he saw a familiar glint in Wood's eyes.

"I know that look" Watson said as he stood up from his bed to walk around Wood, "Enlighten me, Oliver, what plan do you have?" He continued and Wood shrugged.

"I know you, Wood, you've been making Quidditch plans and strategies since we were four", Watson said and Wood's smirk widen.

"You know how me and Anadil started?" He asked his friend and he nodded, "Well why don't we bring that back, so they'll think that me and Ani, are you know — 'war', as they like to call it, I assume Professor Lupin, and Mr. Black wouldn't notice it, stories that circulates around Hogwarts spreads as fast as a firebolt".

"Not bad, but do they know about your brilliant plan?" Watson asked as he raised an eyebrow at his friend.

"Not yet, but I'll tell her don't worry, mate, I can persuade her in doing this" He said smiling at Watson.

"If it doesn't work you're always welcome to join my escapades" Watson said with a wink and Oliver snorted.

"Blimey — well all know that your escapades are more like 'sexcapades' " Wood said and Watson glared at him playfully.

"What can I say, no one can resist my charm" Watson saud smirking as he wiped his lip with his thumb.

"Real mature, help me find the lot, will you?" Wood said as he stood up from his bed.

"You're wearing that? I guess you don't want to change" Watson said with a shrug, and Wood looked down, and chuckled he was still wearing his Quidditch robes.

"Give me a minute" He said as he waved his wand, he was now dry, and so was his bed, with another flick he was wearing his school robes.

"Alright, I'm ready" Wood said and pulled Watson out of the room.

As they made their way down the common room they came across, Lee, Fred and George, Wood smiled at the three and pulled them with him the three were shocked and looked at Watson who shrugged and followed Wood out of the common room.

"Oi, blimey, Wood, where in Merlin's name are you taking us?", Lee protested as he dragged the four to the Great Hall.

"I discussed bit of my plan with Renzo, you can ask him what it is, but with my sudden outburst I think he'll give you what he understood, I'll be back real quick" Wood said before he left the four.

Wood made his way to the tallest tower; as he made his way to the very familiar eagle knocker, he went to a side and waited for a Ravenclaw to walk out, and luck was on his side, for Cho Chan, Ravenclaw's seeker, went out.

"Chang!" Wood called out and Cho looked at him quizzically.

"Aren't you supposed to be at the seventh floor? What're you doing here?" She asked as she looked at the boy curiously.

"Is — Is Aliya and Anadil there?" He asked as quick as he can, Chi gave him a smile, but then answered.

"Yeah, I can call them" Cho said as she faced the eagle knocker which asked a riddle, that she answered at ease, and went back inside their common room.

As Cho walked out she was accompanied by the two, they were looking at Wood curiously, " Cheers, Chang", He said and pulled the two.

"What's happening, Love?" Anadil asked while they were running the corridors.

"I'll explain later", Said Wood shortly, when they reached the Great Hall, she gestured for the four to follow him, ones again they looked at him quizzically but shrugged.

"Where are we heading, Oliver?" Aliya asked, but Wood, didn't answer her, Wood ushered them back to the seventh floor and to the library.

"I have bad news, and good news, what do you want first?" Wood asked them, "Renzo knows both already, don't look at him like that" Wood said as Lee looked at Watson, asking him to choose.

"Definitely bad news", Aliya answered for them, Wood looked at Watson and he nodded.

"Sirius Black didn't give me his consent" He said calmly and Anadil's eyes widen in shock.

"Is he out of his mind?" She whispered furiously and Wood smiled and kissed her cheek.

"I'll walk up—"

"That's where the good news comes in" Watson interrupted her and nodded at Oliver.

"Remember how we started?", Wood asked and Anadil nodded, he licked his lips before continuing, "We'll have to be that again, we need to make them believe that we still have war, and that's where you lot come in, you'll have to make them believe".

"Your plan's brilliant Wood, it's so brilliant you deserve an award", Aliya said smiling at him.

"That's how you put a brain to work" Fred said as he proudly patted Wood at the back.

"Why, though?" George asked when they were done congratulating Wood.

"Harry" Wood said and The twins laughed silently.

"Harry has no chance with, Ani, she likes him as a brother" Lee said, and Wood chuckled.

"Well, Mr. Potter and Mr. Black thinks that Harry has a chance, he might be a seeker, but he's not a keeper", He said as he winked at Anadil.

"Shouldn't we be insulting eachother?" Anadil said as she raised an eyebrow, "I'm not just a beater, remember that" Anadil said this time it was her who gave Wood a wink.

"Well let the war begin" Wood said and Anadil smiled.

"Write to Uncle Reg about this", She told him and he nodded.

"He'll be giving the both of us a howler", Wood said and Anadil nodded.

"Let the war begin?" Watson said and the six looked at eachother before smiling.

"Again!" They shouted, and this caused Madame Pince to usher them out of the library.

"You look better than red" Wood said as they saw James and Sirius.

"Oh, shove off, Wood, for your information blue is better than red" Anadil replied with a sneer.

"Ohoho, where did this courage came from?" Wood asked in a mocking tone.

"Oh shove it up your arse, Wood" Anadil said as she left with, Aliya, The Twins, and Lee.

"Bloody hell, that girl would be the death of me" Wood told Watson as they passed James and Sirius.

"What the fuck happened?" James and Sirius said in unison as they looked at eachother and watched as the teen-agers walk away from them.


Authors note:

✨ B R I L L I A N T ✨

Oliver sure is bright 👀


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