Chapter 21

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"Aren't you a tad excited for Christmas?" Aliya asked Anadil as she started to pack her things, Anadil looked at her and shrugged.

"To be honest with you, this might be the holiday that I'm not excited nor I want to go home" She said, with her statement Aliya stopped midway from putting some of her clothes in her trunk.

"Am I even talking to the same person?" Anadil asked and Anadil rolled her eyes at her, "Don't get me wrong, Ani, but this is the first time I've ever heard you say that" Aliya said as she resumed to pack.

"Let's forget about it, we should be celebrating" Anadil said, they just won a Quidditch match against Slytherin, and if they win against Hufflepuff in the next game, they'll be sure they'd be playing against Gryffindor.

"Hagrid's classes can be a little rough, right?", Aliya said and Anadil nodded.

"Draco said he had to stop himself", Anadil said chuckling, "He almost called a Hippogriff ugly".

With Anadil's statement Aliya laughed, but then it faded when a statement popped in her head, "Wood's staying with the Watson's for Christmas, Benedict told me yesterday".

"If he's staying with them, then I have a chance to talk to him properly" Anadil said with a smile, but then it faltered and she groaned, "They're spending Christmas with us, how stupid am I?" She asked herself and Aliya chuckled.

"Well, you are Anadil Ashlyn Lupin-Black, I've known you ever since we were five, and you always have a plan, that's the entire reason why you and Wood get along" Aliya said in a teasing tone and Anadil cracked a smile.

"Now, get ready, the other girls will be up here any minute" Aliya reminded and Anadil nodded before she packed her trunk with a wave of her wand.

"Damn, I never mastered that" Aliya said and Anadil smiled, and with a wave of her wand Aliya's trunk was packed.

"That's one way to teach me", Aliya said with a big grin on her face.

The two girls talked amongst themselves while their other two girls that were staying at their dorm were gone.


Anadil woke up rather early the next day she gave Aliya nudge, but she didn't budge.

She had an idea that formulated inside her head with a smirk she pointed her wand a few inches away from Aliya's face before muttering, 'Aguamenti' jets of water erupted from the tip of her wand and Aliya woke up with a start.

"Ani!" She whisper shouted angrily as she dried herself using her wand, "Was that necessary?" Aliya asked as she glared at Anadil.

"I tried to wake you up normally, but you wouldn't wake up, and what better way to wake you up, so I thought to myself and it came to my mind" Anadil coolly replied as she started to get ready.

Aliya was muttering curses and Anadil chuckled at her best friend, the two of them got ready and went down to the Great Hall with their trunks.

"We're pretty early" Anadil said when they saw that only a few people woke up early.

"Yes you are" The Weasley twins said as they approached the two and sat down across them.

"What's up with the two of you, aren't you supposed to be causing havoc somewhere?" Aliya asked as she looked at Fred, Fred smirked at her and winked Aliya rolled her eyes at the action and looked the other way.

"Obviously we're not, and it's pretty obvious that we'd rather stay her, Mum's getting angry, and we don't want her scolding us at this time of year", George said and the two looked at the twins suspiciously.

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