Chapter 30

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After the match Anadil went with Regulus, Draco, and Snape; they were currently heading to the dungeons where the four of them can talk.

As they arrived at Snape's office, Anadil sat down at one of the desks at the back.

"Well, they congratulated, Potter and not you" Draco said as he sat down beside Anadil.

"I think they're still angry" Snape said and Regulus snorted.

"I used to be jealous of the lot, to be honest, even you Severus" Regulus said and Snape chuckled.

"They're cool, well they obviously go out every night" Snape said.

"They always seem to get into trouble" Regulus said, and Anadil cleared her throat.

"Can I see the letter that, Sirius gave you? I wanna know the content of it" Anadil said and Regulus shooked his head as a 'no'.

"Why not? She has the right to know, and besides it couldn't be that bad" Draco countered and Snape turned to Regulus.

"It was a howler, so basically I can't give it to you, can I?" Regulus said with a sheepish smile and Anadil chuckled.

"Point made" Anadil said, then someone knocked on the door, Snape opened the door to reveal Lupin, The Potters, Mary, Sirius, and Marlene.

"Not that I'm complaining Snape, but you need to make ot more warmer here, it's bloody cold" Sirius said as they went in.

Draco and Anadil looked at eachother, and used the awkward silence to escape the room.

But as they neared the door, another person went in, a girl, "You two going anywhere?" She asked the two looked at eachother and shooked their heads, The girl smiled and ushered them back inside.

"This is Dorcas, my girlfriend" Marlene said, Anadil and Draco looked at eachother again and frowned.

"No wonder" Draco muttered.

Anadil and Draco sat down near Regulus, "Regulus" Mary said smiling at Regulus, Regulus looked at her and smiled.

"Mary" He replied the whole room looked at the two of them, awed with the interaction.

"I think we don't need to set him up anymore" Draco whispered to Anadil, Anadil watched as Regulus smiled at Mary.

"Hmm, I like her" Anadil whispered back, and Draco smirked, when Mary spoke again.

"You're not the boy who always roll his eyes whenever Sirius does something stupid" She said with a chuckle.

Regulus smiled then checked his watch, "You have to go", Anadil said as she looked at the time at Regulus' watch, "Can't stay here, knowing you, it's not your day-off" Anadil said and Regulus smiled.

"You're forgetting that it's Saturday, I don't have any meetings today, at least none that I know of" Regulus said and Anadil gave him a nod.

Sirius opened his mouth to speak, but Regulus beat him to it, "Aren't you supposed to meet Oliver?" Regulus asked and Anadil nodded.

"Use protection!" Draco called out as Anadil was about to open the door, the girl looked back then said.

"Hope you find the courage to snog him!" She called back and Draco's eyes widen.

"At least it's a snog not a shag!" He said, Anadil peeked through the door and raised her middle finger.

"Have a great day" She said with a smirk then left.

"Why'd you let her leave? I was going to talk to her!" Sirius said irritatedly.

Regulus turned to him with a cold stare and spoke, "Why do you need to talk to her? You didn't give a damn when she did her best at the match, all you did was congratulate, him, admit it you're angry with her. Because she disobeyed you— you know what with what you're doing I'm starting to see a miniature version of Mother in you" Regulus said as he stood up from the chair and walked to Sirius.

"She has her own choices, if she obeys everything you say, then you're just like Mother, a manipulator, A threat to your child, and — I know you l know what that feels" Regulus said.

Sirius stared at his brother's eyes before he spoke, "And I know that you don't know how that feels, because you're the perfect child and I'm the outcast".

"You don't know everything about me" Regulus spat, "You left me in that house to rot, you never came back, you broke your promise, and now you're here telling me that I don't know what this feels, may I remind you when you left, I was forced to do all their biddings, when Mum's angry she takes it out on me, so don't talk like you know me" Regulus said with a cold stare then turned to Snape.

"I'll be seeing you the next time, Dumbledore needs us" He said then left the office.

"I suggest that you leave this office as well, or at least make amends with your dear brother", Snape said, Sirius looked at him then left,

Sirius ran to Hogsmeade, knowing very well that it'll be his brother's destination, "With the rate that you're going, mate, we'll never catch your brother", James said beside him.

Sirius was shocked to see James and Remus beside him, but he smiled knowing that the two can help him catch his not so little brother.

"Regulus!" Sirius called out, James disarmed Regulus, while Remus ran to catch his wand.

"What do you fucking need?" Regulus asked as he glared at the three.

"My wand please" Regulus said as he laid his hand at James.

"No" Sirius said as he went in front of James.

"We need to talk, brother" Sirius said, Regulus looked at him and scoffed.

"Brother? Funny as far as I can remember you left me, be happy that I talked to you this past months, you need to thank your daughter for that" Regulus said and reached for his wand, and was about to disapparate when Sirius held his shoulder, then the two of them were gone.


Authors note:


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