Chapter 62

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Anadil was currently getting ready to leave. Today she's doing her mission, she wasn't quite sure if she's ready, but thanks to the help and training she got, she's sure she can accomplish the mission without anyone knowing they encountered her.

The Dark Lord expects a lot from her, especially when she, Anadil Ashlyn Lupin-Black outsmarted the Dark Lord himself, at times Anadil thinks, this whole fiasco is a punishment, if it's a punishment she'll gladly accept it, especially if it's for Regulus.

Regulus sacrificed a lot for her and this is her paying it back, screw what Sirius says, she has one thing in her mind right now and that's her mission, if she stays focused, she'll be lucky .... lucky not to injure or hurt an order member. No one told her which order member was being assigned tonight, but she's already nervous.

Anadil quickly snuck out of the castle, no one knew where she was going for the night - well Aliya knew. 

She used the usual passage way, the one behind the one eyed witch, and out of honeydukes.

She met Lucius Malfoy at a alleyway near Zonkos, Anadil quickly lifted her hood when Lucius gave her a mask.

It took her a couple of minutes to realise that Lucius took her arm and apparated.

Anadil glared at Lucius through the mask, Lucius harshly pulled her arm, he dragged her inside a phonebooth, Anadil leaned back and waited for Lucius to finish.

Ones he was finish, two coins came out. Lucius gave her the other while they waited.

Of course this wasn't new to Anadil she's been to the Ministry of Magic before and for her this was a piece of cake.

Anadil waited for the voice to say their name, but nothing came she looked up to Lucius and she saw him holding out his wand. Anadil understood why and thought of it was a clever of him. She sighed under her mask and Lucius lightly patted her at the back with his cane, "Well that's a start", Anadil said rather harshly, while Lucius scoffed.

"Well be glad that I haven't done anything bad to you", Lucius said in a cold tone, this time it was Anadil who scoffed.

As the two walked to the department of mysteries, Lucius whacked Anadil with his cane, Anadil silently grunted and glared at Lucius through her mask, she had no idea why Lucius did it, but it was obvious that he hates her.

They were a few hallways away, when Lucius grabbed her arm and pulled her to a different section, Anadil's brow furrowed, he wasn't taking her to the Department of Mysteries. Anadil looked around, she was surprised to see the two of them near the door, Anadil squinted and her eyes widen, Mr. Weasley was on guard.

Malfoy was about to attack, but a snake slithered in, Anadil was confused and turned to Lucius, "We ran out of time", Anadil's eyes widen, when she saw how savagely the snake attacked Mr. Weasley.

Anadil quietly ran to a side, making sure Lucius didn't notice her missing, she was about to attack when, a couple of order members appeared, she ran back to Lucius, and as she suspected he didn't notice.

"Follow me — quickly now, if they catch us it'll be bigger trouble", Anadil nodded at this and the two of them started to ran fast, away from the department, but they weren't that lucky, for a certain Black and a Potter spotted them.

Anadil cursed when she saw the two following them, she lightly tapped Lucius, "Well Mr. Malfoy can you be a tad bit faster? Two of them are actually chasing us", Lucius looked back, just in time for Sirius to shot them a spell, Lucius was quick enough to grab Anadil and turn to another hallway.

Sirius and James followed them to the hallway, James sent a spell to them, this time it hit Anadil, the mask she was wearing broke, she lightly cursed, but fixed her mask. Anadil was sure they didn't see her it was dark and impossible to see.

Anadil looked at Lucius who nodded at her, it was a risky spell and Anadil knows what happens to the person who gets hit by it, Snape told her to use it in these kinds of situation.

She stopped running and turned to them, Sirius and James stopped and stared at her then at Lucius who also stopped. "Well, well, well, I see you have a new snake in your team, Malfoy", Sirius spat and this made Anadil laugh.

"You don't want to mess with her", Lucius said with a mocking tone, Anadil dryly chuckled and stared at the two.

James has his wand at the ready when Anadil started to walk closer to the two of them, Sirius on the other hand was ready to grab the mask off, it was easy for her to read what the two was planning, so she stopped abruptly and looked back at Lucius who ones again nodded.

Anadil played with her wand for a bit before raising it, "Sectumsempra!", She and Lucius quickly ran out, leaving James and Sirius who were both injured.

Anadil felt bad, injuring them wasn't the best plan, so was leaving Mr. Weasley.

Remus who followed them when they ran after the two, called for help.


When Anadil was back at the Ravenclaw common room Aliya quickly hugged her, Anadil told her everything and her best friend was shocked.

"That explains why they were in a rush, Dumbledore told me to keep you company as soon as you get back", Aliya said and Anadil sighed.

Anadil stood up from the couch and went out, Aliya came with her.

The both of them sneaked their way to Dumbledore's office, Anadil knows the password and surely the Goblins will let them in.... And they did.

Anadil lightly knocked on the door and it opened, "I had to do it", Anadil said as she sat at the chair near Dumbledore's desk, to her surprise Dumbledore nodded.

"Don't worry about James and Sirius, Professor Snape's treating their injuries, they'll need rest and you need to go home for Christmas, Regulus shall pick you up and due to popular demand — and by that I mean Minerva, Ms. Brooke's allowed to stay with you" , Anadil and Aliya nodded at this .

"You'll be leaving in a couple of hours, I trust that you have your things packed?", Anadil was about to protest, but Aliya nodded.

"I packed yours I'll give it to you later", Aliya whispered and Anadil nodded.

The two of them left Dumbledore's office and back to their dorm, Aliya took both bags and gave Anadil her's.

Ones the two of them were ready to leave thet sneaked back to Dumbledore's office knowing well that Regulus will be there to pick them up.


Date and time updated : January 24, 2022 (Monday), 10:22 am

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