Chapter 18

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Ones Remus was awake he looked at his side and saw Sirius, "Why didn't you go to the match?" He whispered when Sirius raised his head to look at him.

"Well, someone needs to stay here to look after you, the four's there don't worry, they'll tell us" Sirius said and Remus nodded before sitting up.

"Want to come down? I think we can still see a few glimpse of it!" Sirius said excitedly and Remus chuckled before standing up.

As they made their way to the corridor they stopped, because someone mentioned Anadil's name, they looked at ye source and saw Aliya, and Anadil, and a boy who was obviously running to catch the two.

Remus and Sirius stayed at the spot and listened, for the boy was Neville.

"I don't get why they keep on telling me that you're like Uncle Padfoot and Moony, I-I mean— you weren't raised by them, but I think If I've met Regulus, I can compare you to him" They heard Neville say before he left the two.

Remus looked at Sirius to make sure that he wasn't angry about what he heard, but he was wrong, Sirius was clenching his jaw.

"Why do I get that all the time?" Anadil said with a laugh.

"You're smart, that's why, If I didn't know that you're Remus and Sirius' kid I'll assume that your Regulus', but then again the relationship that you have is sort of sibling like?" Aliya said, Sirius calmed down a bit and turned to Remus who was looking at him amusingly.

"Let's get going" Anadil said as the two of them made their way to the Ravenclaw tower.

Ones the two girls were out of sight, Remus turned to Sirius and raised a brow when he saw him clenching his jaw ones more.

"You heard that? Even Neville thought that she's Regulus' daughter" He said grumpily as they made their way to the pitch oblivious to the fact that Anadil and Aliya weren't watching the match.

But Remus caught up with the scenario earlier, "don't you think something bad happened earlier?" Remus asked as he clutched his side, Sirius supported him and sighed.

"I don't know what came to my mind and let you walk after a full moon, we're going back to your quarters" Sirius said trying to avoid that certain question, all of them wants a peaceful year for Harry, and not one filled with events.

"Remus, your bleeding!" Sirius said alarmingly, as they made their way to Remus' office, their pace was rather quick, ones they were back, Sirius laid him at his bed and started to patch him up.

Ones he was patched up, there was a knock at the door, Sirius stood up and ran to the door to open it, ones he opened it he was greeted by his friends and Gryffindor's Quidditch Captain, Oliver Wood.

"What happened— and why's he here?" Sirius asked when he let them in, he didn't let them inside Remus' office though, just the classroom.

"He's here to tell us what happened to, Harry", James said coldly, as Wood sat down at a nearby chair.

"We—well a dementor was there, we don't know exactly how it happened, it appeared out of nowhere, that's— that's all" Wood said, "Sir", He added quickly.

"Well that's it, you're not allowed to date my daughter" Sirius said in a warning tone, Oliver was shocked, but nonetheless nodded and it was obvious that he was disappointed especially when Anadil told him 'yes' a couple of weeks ago.

"Am I understood? I know that you wouldn't make any further move without my consent" Sirius said, Oliver tried hard not to smile at his remark, since he took it very far.

'If only you know that I shagged your daughter, you wouldn't be saying that', He thought to himself as he bit his lip, trying hard not to say it out loud.

"Understood, sir", He said quietly.

"You're being quite harsh with the kid, Sirius, just because Harry's your favourite, doesn't mean you have to be harsh to a suitor of your daughter, we all know that you and James wants the two to end up together" Mary ranted as she crossed her arms and glared at Sirius.

"She's right", Marlene spoke, and Lily nodded.

"Ever since the two of you knew her type you ever been talking about persuading the poor girl" Lily said giving the two a glare.

"Well, I'm still not giving him my blessing" Sirius said and Oliver sighed, and looked down, he was smirking he had the perfect plan, but he still needs help to do it.

"Leave, Wood", Sirius said and Wood nodded before he left the room.

"Stop it, Sirius, you didn't want to be held by the neck, I'm sure your daughter doesn't want that as well", Lily said as she looked at Sirius sternly.


"Sirius don't push it", Marlene said.

James looked at Sirius and Sirius sighed, "Well, I'm not giving my consent" Sirius protested.

"What if your daughter's happy with him, and you just crushed her? What would you do, Sirius? She'd hate you all over again!" Lily said and Sirius looked down clearly ashamed.

"Nothing can change my mind Lils", Sirius said and Lily sighed.

"Oh, I give up, whatever makes you happy I guess", Lily continued and Sirius smiled at her.

"I still have hopes that she'll be with Harry", Sirius said with a smile.

"Well that's charming" Mary said sarcastically as she sat down at a chair.


Authors note:

A filler chapter, I'm sorry if I'm not updating frequently, I have a lot of schoolwork and some TBR, hehehe


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