Chapter 07

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Later that day, Anadil, Aliya and the Weasley twins were at the library, the twins being themselves tried to make Anadil happy.

"Oh shush" Anadil said and Aliya glared at them, "Don't even think about shouting, we don't want to be kicked out, and this essay for Snape is supposed to be passed next week" Aliya scolded as she saw the two about to scream.

"Oh, c'mon it could be Wood's fling, I bet he likes you—"

"—'s only the second day Georgie" Fred said and George thought for a moment.

"She could still be his fling" George said and Anadil rolled her eyes, as the twins continued to beg the two to get out of the library and at least have a walk.

Aliya was looking at the twins silently praying that they would stop, but in the same time she was amused, for Anadil was almost smiling, "Fine shitheads", Anadil said as George whined even louder, "But don't blame me if you fail potions" Anadil continued and the twins laughed.

Fred and George looked at eachother before smirking, "Knowing us we don't care about the bloody grades that Snape gives", Fred said and George agreed, "Not really a fan of potions if you haven't noticed" George continued.

Anadil looked at Aliya for help and she sighed, "They've got a point, but if they'll shut up then, let's go", Aliya said as she packed her things.

As they were walking in the grounds Anadil told the twins what an eventful morning she had, "And he didn't suspect anything?" Fred asked ones her story was done, Anadil nodded and the twins looked at her in disable.

"I reckon they stopped finding you when they couldn't do it anymore" Fred said, his tone wasn't as friendly as it is.

"Let's drop the subject and talk about something else, we have tons of things to do, and to relax is one of 'em" Aliya said with a calm tone while Anadil looked at her shocked, "What? Potions' killing me, I don't know how you stand Snape" She continued as they walked to the courtyard.

Anadil snorted as a response, but even the Weasley twins were looking at her curiously, "You know well why" Anadil said, "But same as you he gets on my nerves, tells me how he despite my dads", She said with a spat.

As they were passing the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, the seventh year students were lined up outside, "Oi, Black!" The four stopped and looked at Anadil, Anadil closed her eyes before looking at the owner of the voice.

"Yes, Wood?" She said as the seventh years at the line looked at the two.

"She forcefully kissed me I-I didn't do anything, I p— promise" Wood said with a stutter and Anadil looked at him confusingly.

"We're not— I'm not— so why are you explaining this to me? The last time I checked you're Oliver Wood, and I'm Anadil Black" She said and Oliver sighed.

"Y—yeah you have a point" He said and Anadil smiled, and before Lupin can see them she turned at her heel and the four of them left, but she did hear Lorenzo Watson tell his friend something that shocked her, "Just tell her you like her Mate".

"Hey, Lee" They said when they saw Lee Jordan approach the four of them, Lee smiled at them and started to walk with them to the courtyard.

"You saw it to, didn't you?" Lee asked as they sat down near the black lake.

"Yeah, we saw Wood kissing that girl" Aliya said with a shudder.

"He was forced though", Lee said and the four looked at him curiously, "I was there, the girl grabbed, Wood by the collar and kissed her" He said in a disgusting tone.

Fred, George, and Aliya looked at Anadil and saw that she was trying hard not to smile, "I guess, Wood really likes you" Jordan said and ones again the four looked at him curiously.

"What do you mean?" Anadil asked as she turned to Lee, Lee smiled at her and said, "Before the girl pulled him he kept on saying that he likes you".

"I'll see you at lunch later, I need to talk to someone" Anadil said as she stood up and ran back inside the castle.

She looked at her watch and saw that the seventh years has thirty minutes more before they leave their second class.

"That means Defence Against The Dark Arts", She murmured to herself as she remembered the encounter with Wood earlier.

She leaned at the wall beside the Defence Against The Dark Arts classroom door and waited for the seventh years to be dismissed, as she was waiting she took her book which was 'Four Past Midnight' by Stephen King.

As she was reading someone cleared their throat, and Anadil looked up from her book and looked left and saw Sirius Black.

"Hi?" Anadil said unsure, "if you're waiting for Professor Lupin, then he'll dismiss his students in— ten minutes" She said as she closed her book and waited for the bell to ring.

"May I know, why you're waiting here?", Sirius asked her and Anadil smiled.

"Well, Sir—"

"Don't call me, Sir, I feel old, call me Uncle Padfoot, since you are my niece" Sirius said smiling at her, and she nodded.

"Well— erm— I'm waiting for a friend, I need a little talk with him" She said and Sirius nodded.

When the bell rang, Anadil looked at the door and waited for a seventh year Gryffindor to come out, Sirius watched her as she eagerly scanned the crowd to find the boy that she needs to talk to.

"Oi, Watson!" She called when she saw the boy talking with Wood, Sirius averted his gaze to the boy and saw that Remus was right behind the boy.

"Need anything, Black?" Watson asked as he and Wood walked to her, "Do you need to talk to your Ollie?" Watson asked in a teasing tone.

"I don't need to talk to Wood I specifically called you, now Wood, if you don't mind I need to borrow your best friend" She said and pulled Watson away, Remus was right behind Wood and he looked at Sirius.

When Wood noticed that he was still glued to the spot he looked around and saw Lupin, and Sirius, "Oh— uhm sorry professor, I-I'll be on my way" He said and walked at the other direction.

Sirius smiled at Remus, and he smiled back, Remus ushered Sirius inside.

"I had a little talk with my niece" Sirius said with a laugh, "She reminds me of you, when you get shy and act confident, when you're unsure" He continued as he remembered the encounter that they had earlier at the hall.

"If our little girl was here, I think the two of them will be friends, but seeing that you and Regulus aren't in good terms yet, I doubt" Sirius said with a sigh.

"I wonder what she needs with Watson" Remus said.

"Well I'll try and make amends with Regulus, real soon" Sirius said and Remus smiled.

"You better be" He said with a playful smile at his face.



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