Chapter 28

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They were at the great hall eating dinner, they just arrived and the school hasn't changed a bit, it was filled with their chatter, boys and girls were sharing stories about their holidays, and others were listening.

Anadil was at the Ravenclaw table laughing with Aliya, they were talking about her relationship with Fred and how the two of them would last longer than any couple in Hogwarts.

Anadil wad happy for her friends, and wasn't that shocked at all, because like her, Aliya can be oblivious when it comes to love.


After a week, Quidditch practices started ones more, They were facing Hufflepuff, and news were circulating that Potter has a firebolt, and he hasn't said a thing about it yet.

One DADA, meeting, Remus called her back, and as his child she stayed behind.

"Anything, you want to talk about, dad?" Anadil asked as she sat at the front row.

"Well, I know that you know that our gift was a new pair of Quidditch gloves, right?" Lupin said and Anadil nodded.

"And we gave Harry a firebolt" He continued and Anadil tried not to loose her smile.

'Blimey, tons of galleons for a fucking firebolt?' She thought to herself as she watched her father walk to his office, 'course she followed.

"Well, it wasn't only one Firebolt", Lupin said and Anadil looked at him quizzically, but she has a clue what it is.

Lupin opened the door of his office, and there laid another firebolt.

Anadil was taken aback, "Thi-this is for me?" Anadil asked clearly shocked.

"Well, yes" Lupin said with a smile, Anadil straightened and gave Lupin a small smile.

"Your intentions are clear, but I have a perfectly good broom, it's in good condition a—"

"Anadil I insist" Lupin said and Anadil smiled before hugging him.

"Thank you, thank you, but I'll still use my broom, but I promise to use it soon" Anadil said and Remus smiled at her.

"Well, get it here later, now go you have a class to attend" Remus said and Anadil ran straight to the door and left.

Remus smiled to himself and started to drink the goblet of Wolfsbane on his desk.


Anadil and Aliya were preparing for their O.W.L.s, it wasn't hard for the two, to sit in the library and read countless of books, or do revisions, but it was hard, for The Twins, Benedict, and Lee Jordan, the four wouldn't stop whining.

"If the four of you wouldn't stop, I swear to Merlin, I'll hex you", Aliya said glaring at the four, the four stopped whining then opened a book.

Anadil tried not to laugh at her best friend, to prevent herself from laughing she thought of the ingredients of the potion that they were brewing.

After a few minutes they were ushered out of the library by Madame Pince.

Anadil and Aliya went to the Ravenclaw Tower, while the four went to Gryffindor.

"If Voldemort rise back to power, what would you do, Ani?", Aliya randomly said, Anadil thought for a while then sighed.

"Protect people, isn't that what we're supposed to do at time like that?" Anadil said and Aliya sighed.

Before the two of them knock at the eagle knocker, they saw Wood standing near it.

"Ali, I need to borrow, your best friend", Wood said calmly, and Aliya chuckled before nodding.

Wood held his hand out, and Anadil took it, the two of them made a detour to the Astronomy tower.

"Ones you win against Hufflepuff, I'm sure you'll play against us" Wood said an Anadil hummed as a response.

"Then we'll tell them", Wood said as he kissed her forehead, "I have never fell in love, but when I saw you, I knew from that day that I love you, even if I'm a jerk towards you" He said, the last line in a chuckle.

Anadil looked at him and smiled fondly, "To be honest you were the only boy who caught my attention" She said and Wood smiled proudly.

"I'll never leave you, Anadil Ashlyn Lupin-Black" Wood said and kissed Anadil.

"Even if I grow old, I'll still love you, because you're the only one who can stand me, and I promise to stay with you, 'till the end of time", Wood whispered in their kiss.


To say that it was an eventful month would be an understatement, Anadil was sure she didn't need to use the firebolt that his Dads gave her, but then again, they need to win so she used it and it became the talk of Hogwarts.

And as she wrote to Regulus about the firebolt, Regulus' reply didn't reach her it reached Sirius, and the letter wasn't even address to Sirius it was addressed to Anadil, but he took it and read it, now Anadil won't talk to Remus and Sirius, and Sirius doesn't want to talk to Regulus.

And of course they won the match with Cho catching the snitch in the middle of the game.

Now a lot were talking about the up coming match, no one knows who'll win.

As the match was in thirty minutes, the Quidditch pitch was already crowded, but some Professors weren't there yet, including Professor Lupin.

"Moony, we'll be late for the match if you don't hurry up!" Sirius said and Lupin rolled his eyes, before following Sirius out of his office and to his classroom, where, Mary, Marlene, James, and Lily.

"Took you long enough, now let's hurry, the pitch's in the other side of the castle", James said as Lily rolled her eyes, but followed James out.

As they made their way out, they heard footsteps behind them, Sirius looked back and saw Snape with Regulus, and he glared at the two, Remus saw this and looked at James for help.

"Mate, calm down" James whispered to Sirius, and Regulus looked at them with a cold stare.

Snape followed his gaze and snickered when he saw Potter and his friends.

Sirius looked straight ahead and didn't pay much attention to his brother anymore, as they were at the pitch, they were met by a scene, or as Regulus likes to call it a show.



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