Chapter 40

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It was hard to follow an owl, but Remus knows he can find them, he just needs to find some clue, it wasn't going to be easy, but he knows Regulus and he's sure Regulus left some clue if anyone wants to find them.

He knows the clues aren't that open, it means the clues can be oddly specific, it can be a piece of furniture or a drawing in the mantel, it means his first destination needs to be 12 Grimmuald place.

He has to be honest, he didn't thought this through; he didn't dare knock at the door when he arrived instead he quietly went in, he knows it'll take the whole day to scan the whole place, but he has to be precise, he knows they had a fight in the kitchen, and that's the first place he's going.

When Remus made it to the kitchen he saw that it was still the same, the same when they left to be exact, he saw a small wood near one of the chairs, he lifted it up and saw letters in it, "R.A.B."

He didn't think twice he went up the stairs and went to Regulus' room, Regulus at some point knew he was going to find them, and he wants to thank him for leaving clues.

Regulus' room was filled with books, and you can see that he really takes pride on being a Slytherin, for the whole room was like Sirius', but green. Remus observed the room then an idea come to mind when he saw a small Hufflepuff banner at the side of Regulus' bed. Remus smiled at the clue that he was given, it means they're in the woods, but there's a ton of woods, and they'll be hard to find, now he doesn't think his plan's that clear.

Remus smiled at the banner then went out of 12 Grimmuald place, he went to one place he thinks they might be, Regulus told him he used to think in the woods, but he wasn't sure, but he gave him hints, and that was simple enough to know where it is.

The cottage.

A cottage, sure some people will tell him, "Hey Remus there's ton of Cottages here, where are you going?" But he didn't care he knows exactly where they are, Regulus helped him back then, and now he knows. He went to a alleyway, before he turned then apparated.

When he made it to his location, he saw a hill at the end of the woods, and it had a cottage and he knows it can be the cottage where, Regulus, Anadil and Draco's staying.

Remus ran to the hill, and he was correct for he saw a very shocked Anadil, he smiled at her, but she didn't she just stared.

"I thought no one can find us here?" Draco asked when he looked at Remus, Regulus smiled at Draco.

"Except, Remus, he can find this since I used to help him, and I may have left some clues" Regulus said while he whipped up some hot chocolate, and Anadil glared at him "It's just Remus and I'm sure he isn't going to tell Sirius, not yet I s'pose".

Remus smiled and nodded, he wasn't going with his original plan after all.

"How are you?" Remus asked Anadil, Anadil stared at him before she spoke, "I'm fine".

"Shouldn't you be at the World cup with the others? Anadil said as she took a letter from her pocket and showed it to Remus.

"Alina can fly fast when she wants, and she delivered Charlie's letter", Anadil said, and Remus stared at it.

Draco smiled at them before he went to Regulus, "What if he convinces Ani to go with him?" Draco said, Regulus turned to him and smiled.

"If that happens, I'll be with the Dark Lord" Said Regulus, Draco looked at him curiously.

"Was that an expression or should I be worried?" Draco said and Regulus chuckled, "Am missing something?".

"You'll get it when the time comes, Draco, I still don't get it to be honest" Regulus said as he remembered Dumbledore telling him the same thing.

The difference was, Regulus knows, he truly knows what it means, he just can't admit it to his nephew. Anadil worrying is enough for him, but if Draco worries that'll be another problem for him.

"What's the letter about?" Regulus asked Anadil as he sat down in between them, "What did, Charlie said?.

Anadil gave it to Regulus, and Regulus opened it.

Dear Anadil,

Saw your owl, and I thought why right a letter to my favourite Black, you forgot to mention that you're dating Wood, a real shocker to be honest, but I want to ask you what happened with:

"He's too full of himself"

"I'll just put a bludger the next time"

"He's a dickhead in all sorts of ways"

What happened with that? But now at least I know you're together, and now I don't need to worry, because I know you're in good hands, you're like a little sister to me, and now that you're with Wood I'm confident that you'll be happy with him.

Anyways Lupin, Black, The Potters, McDonald, and McKinnon's here today, I bet they'll go with us to the cup, I don't know why, but what I don't understand is you, why aren't you with them? Your chance to see Aidan Lynch bitch!

Well that's all, if you change your mind you know where to find me.

And I told Alina to fly as fast as she can, if you know what I mean.



Regulus folded the letter then passed it to Remus, Remus read it before passing it to Draco, "I've read this, and he's more overprotective than I am" Draco said before he gave it to Anadil.

"If you're here to tell them where we a—"

"I'm not", Remus said, Regulus looked at Anadil and gave her a nod.

"He isn't the one you're angry at, it's Sirius", Regulus said and Anadil sighed.

"That's the problem, I'm also angry at him, he didn't do anything — he talked to him, yes, but he didn't stood up for anything" Anadil said.

"I understand' Remus said with a smile, "But at least smile, and forgive us".

"I'll try, Ex-Professor Lupin" She said with a smile.



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