Chapter 50

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A few hours has passed, and Sirius agreed that Anadil and Draco should share Regulus' room, and the order meeting was in a couple of minutes.

Anadil was about to go to the kitchen when she heard a familiar voice, she turned a corner and saw Tonks.

She smiled before tapping her shoulder, Tonks turned before giving Anadil a hug, "Heard what happened — we all know its part of Regulus' mission, but Sirius doesn't", Tonks whispered and Anadil playfully rolled her eyes at her remark.

"Well it's a good thing he doesn't know, he could've got in the way of he knew", Anadil said and Tonks chuckled.

Tonks and Anadil went to the kitchen for the meeting, no one questioned why she's there, "They know", Tonks whispered when she saw Anadil's expression.

Anadil sat beside Tonks, and waited for Dumbledore to arrive.

After a few minutes of waiting Dumbledore arrived with Regulus and Snape by his side, Anadil saw Sirius grabbing his wand, but Remus stopped him.

"A new mission for our new recruit", Snape said as he and Regulus sat down beside Kingsley.

Dumbledore smiled at Anadil before giving her a piece of parchment, Anadil looked at it suspiciously, but opened the parchment.

Anadil furiously read the contents of the letter, "This is actually very acceptable, I'm guessing uncle Regulus planned this?", Anadil asked nad Dumbledore nodded.

"Well, this is simple, how will I do ot, sir?" Anadil asked and Dumbledore gratefully smiled.

"Professor Snape and Regulus shall help you first, then you shall continue with that task", Dumbledore said and Anadil nodded.

Anadil swiftly folded the paper and put it in her pocket, for now she needs to act convincing.

She needs to lie, it's not hard for Anadil to lie, she's been living a lie, well not living a lie.

Anadil was sure Sirius would ask questions about the mission, so when Dumbledore dismissed them she made a run for the door, but Snape and Regulus called her back.

She slowly turned and walked to Regulus and Snape, she was making sure that Sirius or any other order member that's close to her dad's isn't near. But then again luck isn't in her side today, for the three marauders stayed behind.

"Training starts tomorrow Black, Regulus will pick you up, and I'm sure you can make it very believable", Snape said and Anadil nodded.

"I can be very persuasive at times, this can be easy", Anadil replied, and walked away.


Ones Anadil was in her shared room with Draco (basically Regulus's old room) she instantly went to the bookshelves, she took a book that she can study, so it'll be easier when they start training.

She found a book about dark arts, Anadil knows this will be a lot of help if she studies it, and she knows she can be convincing if she knows a few things about the Dark arts.

Anadil instantly closed the book when she heard footsteps near her room, she was shocked to see the Weasley twins at her door with identical smiles, it was forced and Anadil knows the two like the back of her hand.

"What's the problem?", Anadil asked as she let the two inside the room.

The twins looked at eachother before giving her a hug, "We want to know your mission, we promise not to tell anyone, just let us, please?", Fred said with pleading eyes.

"If I tell you, you wouldn't let me do it, you'd disagree", Anadil said and the twins gave her another hug.

"If we do disagree, then Aliya should know", George said and Anadil bit her lip, this was the problem, she can't tell Aliya, her family might be in trouble.

Anadil looked at the two and shook her head, "She can't know, she'd be in trouble if she gets involved", Anadil said and the twins scoffed.

"She's already in trouble, she's part of the wizarding community if that escaped your notice", Fred said in a matter of fact tone, Anadil stared at the two before she sighed.

"If you can tell us now, we can help you when you need to tell Aliya, remember she's strong and she's been with you ever since, now please Ani, don't carry this mission by yourself, you have us, your friends, if you can't tell us, then who'll you tell it to?", George said and Anadil sighed for the second time.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone, not even the Marauders", Anadil said and the two nodded.

"First plan failed, and now I have to be convincing, so that they'll think I took Draco away to replace him, so I can steal his spotlight", Anadil said and the two nodded.

"How are you going to fool him then?", George asked and Anadil smirked.

"That's why I'm training, the only way to fool the Dark Lord is to play by his rules, and to play his game", Anadil explained.

"Be safe", The twins said in unison before giving her another hug.


Sirius was by the door when Anadil explained Everything to the twins, his blood was boiling, he stormed out and went to James nad Lily's room.

"Did you know?", Sirius asked the two, the two looked at eachother before shrugging.

"Did you know taht Dumbledore wants her to go and become a spy!", Sirius shouted and the two nodded, "Why didn't you tell me!"

"Mate, if we told you, you wouldn't let her do it, Anadil wants to do it, leave her be, we were—"

"That's the problem we were her age back then, I don't want her to encounter the same problems that we faced", Sirius said.

"That's the problem, your daughter wants to do it, not just for her happiness, it's because she wants a safer place, remember she didn't grew up with you, she grew up with Regulus, and you know how stubborn your brother can be", Lily said and Sirius walked out ones more.

He went to the living room and saw Remus, "You know?", Sirius asked and Remus nodded.

"We all knew, and we know if we tell you you'd get in the way", Remus said and Sirius pouted, "Anadil wants to do it, that's why I let her, believe me when Dumbledore told us the plan, I was furious", Remus said and Sirius hugged him.

"I love you, and I hope I can cope with everything that's happening", He said with a sigh, and Remus lightly chuckled at his behaviour.


Authors note:

I hope you all got to go to Hogwarts <3

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