Chapter 65

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It has been a week since Christmas break ended. Anadil was sitting by the fire at her common room. Anadil stared at the fire then at the letter she's holding, the letter that she has is from Regulus.

Anadil sighed, it was now or never. She's sure that Regulus would update her about the mission that he was s with Avery.


I know that this isn't the perfect time to send you a letter, it isn't the perfect time to do things that'll make your life even more in danger. The Dark Lord told us that my mission with Avery will be moved this summer.

A meeting will be at order in a couple of weeks. Ani, talk to Sirius. As much as I hate it you have to make amends with Sirius. No matter how much you despise your father you have to.

You'll be asking me "why the change of heart?", It's a long story.

A very long one.

- R.A.B

Anadil closed her eyes and re-read the letter until she was satisfied, why the hell is Regulus making her talk to her father. It was unusual, but she trusts Regulus.

With a sigh, Anadil left the common room and to her dorm.

Regulus was always right most of the time, if she never push away the hatred that she has she'll never know what the outcome will be.

Anadil decided that it'll be better if she writes to Sirius and tell her what she feels, it always worked with Regulus, she's positive (well a bit) that it'll work with her father as well.

Before Anadil can write a black owl was tapping by her window, it's no secret who owns the owl. Anadil opened the window then gave the owl a treat before opening the letter.


There will be a meeting in a few days time. I'm sure by now my dear brother has told you. I'll make this letter quick, there's a rumour circling the order that you'll be dropping school.

I don't want you to drop school, I want you to finish it. Yes Dumbledore assured me that you'll have special lessons, but I don't want that... but if you want that it's fine with me. A lot has happened to you my not so little pup. Bare with dadfoot if I'm being dramatic and being too overprotective with you. I missed 12 years in your life.

Owl me as soon as you can, alright? I'll be waiting. Your dad says hi, he's been busy and well he's really grumpy, I wonder why. Don't do anything stupid, you're already stuck in a mess.

I was once like you, always took pride for who I am. Don't repeat the same mistakes that I did, I'll be a better father I mean it now. I'll try to make amends with Regulus, I wanted to for so long, but I never had a reason now you're the reason. You've always been the reason, little Black.

With love,



I talked to Dumbledore, if you want to get out of the castle tonight Grimmuald place is always open for you.

Anadil closed the letter, she's confused with everything, but then again nothing surprises her anymore. It's hard to trust her own father, but this will be the last chance. She's always been too hard with Sirius as well, she doesn't notice it but the others do.

Anadil didn't write a letter to her father, she took the mauraders map from a drawer and left her dorm. While she was on her way to the Headmaster's office she opened the map, by a broom closet she found two names, Aliya Brooke and Fred Weasley she gagged and sneaked her way to the gargoyles.

"Sugar quills".

As she went up the stairs she knocked at the door. The door immediately opened, Dumbledore smiled at her before nodding to the fireplace.

Anadil took a deep breath before grabbing a handful of floo powder, "12 Grimmuald place!", And like the usual she was at the fire place smoke covering her.

She knows by now that wands were pointed at her so she raised both hands as a sign of defeat or surrender.

The wands were lowered when the mauraders saw her.

Sirius couldn't believe his eyes, his daughter was standing in front of them, his daughter obeyed him for ones or merely took his advice.

Remus noticed this and lightly chuckled, Anadil brushed the dust off herself and looked at Sirius, Sirius smiled before engulfing the girl into a hug. The others watched as Sirius smiled to himself, they watched as Anadil tightened her grip at her father, Remus who was watching her daughter and husband couldn't help but let a tear slip down. Sirius noticed this and invited him to the hug.

Now Anadil can say she's happy, happy with the two.

James smiled, they really do need to stop being bloody gits.

"Let's leave them, they'll need time to talk", James said and the others nodded.

Anadil removed herself from the hug and looked at the two.

Remus and Sirius looked at her with a smile, "I wasn't expecting you to take ny advice", Sirius said with a rather shocked expression.

Anadil decided to be less sarcastic and be more honest since he is her father after all. No more hiding, it's time.

"Me either, I guess it was something with your words that made me agree", Sirius smiled so did Remus.

Remus looked at Anadil then at Sirius, you can really tell that after a long while Anadil finally accepted her fate.

Then Remus remembered the rumour circling around the order about Anadil dropping out of Hogwarts, "You can drop out of Hogwarts now if you want too, we'll be with you.... Every step of the way", Remus said by now he knows what he answer will be.

Sirius looked at her he was looking at her apologetically, "I'm staying, there's no one who's going to look after Draco", Sirius smiled he already accepted the fact that Anadil's priority will be Draco since a lot will be focusing on Harry.

Anadil waited for Sirius to criticize her choice, but nothing came. She also waited for James to burst into the room and interrogate her, but he didn't. By now Anadil knows that privacy matters, but with the mauraders being curious she knows it isn't possible. Anadil smiled, finally Sirius respected her choice and no one bursted into the door.

This is what Anadil waited for, for a long time for them to understand and respect her decision, them not criticizing every thing, them understanding her choices is enought for her.

"You kept a promise didn't you?", Remus asked and Anadil nodded.

"This is your last chance, dadfoot", Sirius smiled before nodding.

Remus on the other hand couldn't hide the joy he was feeling.

Sirius finally did it, ge earned Anadil's trust.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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