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Jonathan's POV:

Me and tati just got off the phone and ion know what the fuck goin on wit her.

She ain't never been this typa clingy when I'm outta town, least she ain't never make it this obvious.

She been havin mood swings since I left, on and off her lil attitude, shit's throwin me off.

But right now though, Tati in a good mood, and she finna go check on my moms. She don't realize how much that means to me, knowin my girl cares about my mama and my daughter keeps my heart warm, shit like that ain't in everybody.

Ta'Tiana's POV:
I knock on Gina's door. I'm checking in on her again while Jon's out of town. Honestly I think she's fine on her own but I know it keeps jonathan calm to know for sure she's alright while he's across the country, and I want to make sure she know's she's got somebody looking out for her if she does end up not feeling well.

"Hey Tati!"

"Hey Gina, how are you feeling"

She pulls me into a tight hug and I rub her back.

"I'm good sweetie, you?"

"I'm pretty good, my day hasn't been too eventful, what have you been up to?"

"Ahhh, just made some peach cobbler." She eyes me with a smile as my face lights up, remembering her cobbler from when we all flew down to charlotte and help her pack. "You want some?"

"Oh absolutely, yes ma'ammmmm."

She giggles and leads me to the kitchen, giggling as I rub my hands together.

As we sit down at the table, the smell of the cobbler fills my nose, it smells amazing, I rush through my grace and get me a forkful when suddenly the smell makes my head hurt, my stomach churns, a wave of nausea rushes over me in an instant and I rush to the nearest bathroom, throwing up right away.

I feel gina's hand rubbing my back and then the water running, she hands me a damp towel and glass of water.

"Meet me in the living room when you finish up." She eyes me warily.

So I do, I sit in the living room in the armchair facing her on the couch, trying to figure what the hell is going through her mind as she looks at me with an expression I can't really read. My head is pounding.

"Tati how have you been feeling lately?"

"I've been feeling fine." I shrug.

"More specific?"

"...um, i don't know I've been feeling kind of, well Gina I've been recovering from my food poisoning, it was pretty bad you know."

She rubs my knee, "sweetie food poisoning doesn't last this long, it's been weeks Ta'Tiana, have you thought at all that it might be something else?"

I look down, yeah the other day i considered pregnancy but I'm on birth control, I've been on birth control for years and my period isn't supposed to be here yet.

I better not be pregnant or I want all my money back, shit.

"Ta'Tiana, I bought some pregnancy tests for you yesterday, I think you should take them, just to be safe."

"You got me pregnancy tests?"

"I did, mothers know Tati."

I feel my heartbeat speed up, taking a pregnancy test and getting positive results makes it real. Or even if I got two lines,and it was wrong, that period between the time I take the test and go to the doctor to double check I'd be thinking I had a baby and I'll manifest the baby so really, even If I'm not pregnant and I take the test I'm gonna end up pregnant.

"Gina I don't need to take the test, I know I'm not pregnant." I try to laugh it off.

"is there any harm in being sure?"


"Take the tests Ta'Tiana, I insist." She gives me a stern look and I sigh, knowing she's not gonna let this go.

She pulls out two boxes from beside her in her chair and hands them to me, the expensive kind too. I muster a smile and take them to the bathroom, heart racing.

I'm not ready for a baby, it's too early, me and jonathan haven't gotten married yet and I don't want a baby to be the reason we do.

And if I do take the tests I want them to be on my own time, in private, with nobody knowing but me and jonathan or maybe megan, but not gina, I don't want to do this with her right outside the door but I know I don't really have a choice and I don't want her to think I'm being rude, and if I am pregnant, it's her grandbaby.

But I'm not.

I follow the instructions and pace through the bathroom while I wait. I think about calling Jonathan but I don''t want to make a big deal out of this.

I'm not pregnant, I'm recovering from food poisoning.

I'm not pregnant, I'm recovering from food poisoning.

I'm not pregnant, I'm recovering from food poisoning.

My timer goes off and I rush to check both the tests.



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