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Ta'Tiana's POV:
I wake up after some of the best sleep I've had in a minute, but dread that I'm awake.

Ta'Tiana girl, get it together.

I lay awake looking at the ceiling trying to put my new puzzle together. Moping about it isn't gonna get me anywhere and that's not how a bad bitch like me handles shit, life gives me lemons I make chick-fil-a frosted lemonade, won't catch me lacking a second longer.

So Jonathan's gone...I can't beg him to come back, if this isn't what he wants then it's his loss. I was fine before him I'll find a way to be fine without him once more. And I wouldn't take him back at this point, you don't walk out on the person you love, especially when she's got your baby, that's some coward ass shit. I just didn't expect it from him.

And about this baby...I understand that many people aren't comfortable with abortions, killing a life. But this is my life too, and I'd never want to bring my baby into a world that's not ready for it. I'd never want my kid to miss out on shit because Mommy doesn't have the money. I want to give my kid the best possible chance. But look at me, I'm definitely not struggling. I've got me a nice ass house, a susccessful ass brokerage. Me and my baby could still have the world. Nobody's ever ready  to be a mother. But financially I am. And yes I also understand that money isn't all you need to have a baby, but I have all the love in the world in my heart. I want my baby to have a family, I want her to have daddy and a mommy who show them what love is. Because I know how hard it is to grow up with just one parent. But like I said before, I've got so much love in me, I've got the love of two parents. And lovable ass me, I know I'll find another man, he'd love me and my baby more than the world and my kid would still grow up seeing love. I'd find a way.

So it's fuck jonathan and I'm keeping my baby and we are going to be great.

I walk to the bathroom and get in the shower, rinsing off my hurt from last night, rinsing it through my hair, rinsing off the me that needs him. I got this.

But still somethings just not sitting right with me. Something felt off about Jonathan's voice last night. But I know I'm probably just thrown off by the words he said, maybe I'm just in denial because he said things I never in a million years expected to hear from him.

He doesn't want to be with me.

I'll move on, I'll get over it.

I walk downstairs in a better mood and more of my soft silk pajamas.

My promise ring lightly taps on the fridge door as I open it and my eyes rest on it. It warms my heart, still. When I see it I don't think fuck Jonathan or damn Jonathan how could you do this, I think about how much I love him, and how much I know he loves me and I think joy at everything we would've been. And I don't think that'll ever change, despite him leaving me, he can't change what we once were and I'm grateful for the memory, so no, the ring still isn't coming off.

I grab me some yogurt and a container of fruit and go to sit on the couch. Turning on the television. News.

I try to change the Chanel but the remote wants to trip, so I lift the remote into the air and turn it over, which works of course, and flip through the guide while the news plays in the background. I listen while I look for something else.

This is breaking news, coming in right now, David Brewster who goes by the stage name Dave East, has escaped the California state prison.


...spam it hoe🤭

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