Chapter 27 Joey I'm so sorry please forgive me

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Joey's POV

I woke up and my mom helped me take a shower and get dressed for school. The doctor said he wouldn't be able to get the crutches till later on today. So I had to go to the bus stop with my mom helping me. When the bus came, I gave my mom a hug and kiss and went on the bus. I sat all the way in the back. I put my head down remembering last night. I just got my iPod and headphones and listened to music as we went to the other bus stops.

Shane's POV

I wake up remembering what happened yesterday. I started crying and went to start getting ready. I went downstairs and ate some breakfast and grabbed my backpack and Joey's crutches with me to the bus stop. I got on the bus and saw Joey sitting by himself in the back of the bus. I knew he didn't want to see me, so I sat down in the front of the bus. When we got to school, I was the first to get off. I looked down and saw the necklace that Joey gave me around my neck. I saw Joey get off the bus limping to one of the poles at school. I walked over to him and when he saw me he tried walking faster but fell while trying. I helped him stand up and gave him his crutches.

Shane: Joey I'm really sorry for what happened yesterday. I-I didn't know what I was doing Joey please forgive me.

Joey: SAVE IT SHANE YOU BROKE MY HEART, now go to your new boyfriend who cares about you. A tear fell down his face and he went to his locker and put his stuff inside and grabbed his books. I saw Connor walk up to him to help him with his books to first period.

I stood there thinking? I'm such a bitch I knew I shouldn't have trust Tyler. I thought he was nice and when I looked at him he looked hotter than Joey. Omg what was I thinking I let the love of my life get hurt because I made a huge mistake. I walked to my locker to get my books for first period. I walked in the classroom and saw Joey sitting next to Connor and they were talking with each other. I sat on the other side of the classroom. Soon the teacher began the lesson and I couldn't get my mind off of what had happened. I looked at the clock and it was five minutes before we had to go to second period. I saw Connor help Joey up and they left to second period. After the five minutes were up and the bell rang, I went to second period and tried to forget about Joey but it was too difficult.

Joey's POV

When I got off the bus, I saw Shane waking towards me. I tried running or limping faster but I fell. He picked me up and gave me my crutches and I went to my locker and he followed me.

Shane: Joey I'm so sorry for what happened yesterday. I-I didn't know what I was doing. Joey can you please forgive me.

Joey: SAVE IT SHANE YOU BROKE MY HEART, now go find your new boyfriend who actually cares about you. I felt a tear fall down my face. I used my crutches to get to my locker and I opened it. I grabbed my books and I had accidentally dropped them on the floor. I saw Connor and he helped pick them up. We went to first period and we started talking. I then saw Shane walk in and I noticed the necklace that I gave him for his birthday yesterday. He looked at us and sat on the other side of the room. Finally the teacher started the lesson. A couple minutes later.... I looked at the clock and there was only five minutes. So Connor helped me up and grabbed my books while heading to second period. After a while the bell finally rang and we went in the classroom.

---Lunch time---

Shane's POV

I couldn't help but think of Joey. I saw him and Connor walk into the cafeteria. Joey sat down at a table far from me while Connor got them some food. After a while the bell rang and we all went to class. It took forever for school to be over. Finally the last bell rang and I saw Joey and Connor walking up to Joey's locker so he can get his backpack. I went outside and got on the bus. Then I saw Joey and Connor get on the bus and they both sat next to each other and started laughing. As we got to Joey's bus stop Joey and Connor and some other kids got off the bus. I was kinda jealous but then remembered that Joey broke up with me. I looked down at my necklace and read the engraving "No one could replace you".

When school was finally over we went to my bus stop and I went inside and I was surprised that my dad wasn't home. I walked to my room and then my phone buzzed, I looked at it and it was a twitter notification about Joey. I looked at the tweet that said "@joeygraceffa Hey guys I'm gonna have a sleepyanya over with my best friend Connor Franta!!!!! #jonnor or #coney. I like the second choice better. But anyways may the odds be ever in your favour gooood bye!

I turned off my phone and watched Netflix hmm let's see what's good I started laughing when I saw white chicks appear on the screen. After a while I fell asleep.

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