Chapter 19 A Bloody Nightmare

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Shane's POV

I woke up and you know when you first wake up you feel like rubbing your eyes for your vision to be fixed. Well I did that to my eyes and when I could see clearly, I saw Joey with a knife in his stomach. His face was pale. I started screaming and called 911.

911: 911 what's your emergency?

Shane: Hello my boyfriend Joey Graceffa got stabbed and I don't know who did it!?!??! Please help. I started crying.

911: Ok sir an ambulance will come right away, tell me your address and name.

I told her Joey's address and my name, then I heard sirens coming toward this house. I picked up Joey and ran down stairs carefully not to let him fall.I ran out the door and the nurses put Joey on a stretcher and put him into the ambulance. They asked me if I wanted to go into the ambulance with them and I said yes. When we got to the hospital, I was really scared and worried. Then I called Joey's mom and told her what happened and she told me she was coming right away. All of a sudden I got a text from the same unknown number. I'm sick and tired of this shit, but I opened the text anyways. It said "I told you if I can't have him you can't have him either. Guess its just you and me now Shane. Text you later."

One of the nurses came and told me that Joey was okay. No real damage and she showed me to Joey's room. I saw that he had an oxygen mask on his mouth so he could breathe properly. I walked over to him and sat next to him holding his had. I saw the door open and it was his mom. She started crying and she sat on the opposite side of Joey holding his left hand. I whispered to him "It's going to be ok Joey I promise. I love you so much please don't leave me." 

Joey's POV

I started waking up to notice that I'm in a hospital. I looked around and saw Shane holding my had and I turned my head to the left and my mom was crying and holding my hand. I held Shane's hands and he looked up at me and started smiling. I lifted my arm and wiped away his left over tears.

Shane: Joey your awake!! <3 I'm so sorry for not protecting you. It's just that I got these texts from the unknown number again...

Joey: What texts?

Shane: (Shit I shouldn't have said that so I just gave him my phone and he read all of the messages). I'm sorry I didn't tell you early.. I thought it was just something that wouldn't happen. But it did and I can't believe I couldn't protect you. I'm so sor--

Joey: Shane its ok. I forgive you its not your fault and whoever this unknown guy is we'll get him. I kissed him on the cheek and he smiled, I smiled back. I love you Shaney.

Shane: I love you to Joeyanya.

The nurse came in and saw that I was awake and she left. Then a doctor came in and asked me some questions.

Doctor: Hello Joey, I'm Doctor Benedict and I just wanted to ask you a few questions.

I nodded and he started talking.

Doctor B: Joey do you remember what happened before you were struck with a knife?

Joey: Well I saw a shadow, I think it was a girl but I don't know I was too tired at the time. Then they held up their arms and brought them down quickly with something sharp going through my stomach. They quickly ran and I tried to say something, but I blacked out. The doctor wrote all of this down. He said that he'll be right back and said I could go home.

Shane's POV

Once the doctor came back in the room he gave a prescription note to me so we could go to walgreens and pick up his medication. Then the doctor told us we could leave.

Shane: Joey wait here I'll be right back. He looked sad when I left, but when I came back in I had brung a wheelchair with me and he looked up and smiled. I brought the wheelchair close to him and helped him while he was holding his stomach. When me, Joey, and his mom got to the car, I helped Joey into the car and I folded up the wheelchair and put it in the back of his mom's trunk. I opened the other side of the door and Joey laid on my lap. Then his mom started driving to her house, but of course this damn LA traffic has to be such a bother. Once we got to Joey's house, I helped him inside and layed him on his bed. I sat next to him and we were both smiling.

Joey: Thank you Shaney for being with me. I wouldn't be as happy as I am when I have you around.

Shane: No problem Joeyanya and I'm happy to be with you. I texted my mom that I would be at Joey's house for a couple of hours and asked if Joey can stay the night. I waited awhile and she finally texted me "Ok Shane be back here at about 8:00 and yes Joey can sleepover if he would like to." I texted my mom thanks and asked Joey if he'd like to sleepover at my house. I could see a smile creep on Joey's face and I knew he was gonna say yes.

Joey: Oh my goodness gracianious!!! Shane I would love to! <3 Ok let me get some clothes, but right when he got up he layed back down and took a deep breath.

Shane: Don't worry Joey I'll pack your clothes for you!

Joey: Thanks Shaney!

I got up and opened his small suite case and asked him which clothes he would like to wear to school tomorrow. He smiled and said "I want the white and blue strapped shirt with my black skinny jeans and red sneakers.

Shane: Anything else Joeyanya?

Joey: Yes.... my underwear, socks, pajamas and toothbrush.

I smiled and walked to his dresser and once I opened his underwear drawer, I smiled and there I saw superman and spongebob boxers. I picked up the spongebob one's because he'd look hot in them. At least thats what I would think.

I opened his sock drawer and grabbed a couple of socks and put them into the suit case. I walked to the bathroom and grabbed his toothbrush. I put it in a plastic baggy and put it in his suitcase. I walked to get his pajamas and I grabbed his "gym" shorts and a white t-shirt and put it in the suitcase.

Joey: Wait Shane I almost forgot. Can you put a tanktop and shorts in there too?

Shane: Anything for my Joey. I grabbed a tanktop and shorts, put them into the suitcase and zipped it up. I helped Joey off his bed and put him into the wheelchair and put the seatbelt across his waist so he won't fall out of the wheelchair. We walked into the living room and Joey asked his mom if he could sleepover at my house and she said yes. I walked back to Joey's room and grabbed the suitcase and we walked outside to my car and I helped him inside. I put his seatbelt on and put the suitcase in the back seat. I kissed Joey and we drove to my house.

There you go guys Chapter 19!!! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile to much homework and studying for tests >.< But I promise I'll have Chapter 20 done by tomorrow. Also incase you haven't noticed there was another hint when Joey said "Well I saw a shadow, and it looked like a girl" So there's your hint its a girl, but who could it be??? Lisa or Meghan or Cat or some other girl.

But anyways, May the odds be ever in your favour and I had fun making this story and I hope you enjoyed reading it BYE <3

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