Chapter 28 I don't feel good...

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Joey's POV

My mom helped me get dressed for school. It's been awhile since I talked to Shane but it was for the best. After I finished getting ready and have eaten breakfast, I kissed my mom goodbye and grabbed my backpack, then left to go to my bus stop. I saw Connor was already waiting for me, I smiled and he smiled too. The bus came and we all got on. Connor was behind me just to make sure I didn't fall and we went all the way to the back. We were talking all about this one website called youtube. We kept thinking we should make a channel to show our daily vlogs and stuff. We sat there thinking about what we should call our channel.

Connor: Wait I have an idea. How about we call it.....#Coney.

I smiled and I was like,

Joey: Shooty shoot shoot Connor thats a great idea. Wanna come over to my house so we can set it up?

Connor: Hell ya!

We got to the last bus stop which was Shane's. He looked at me and I put my head down again. Once we got to school, Connor helped me get to my locker to help me get my books. I swear he's the best friend anyone and I mean ANYONE can have. I saw Meghan-san walk over to us.

Meghan: Hi Joey! Hi Connor!

Joey&Connor: Hi Meghan-san.

We all laughed and then Meghan saw that I had crutches.

Meghan-san: Hey Joey? How come you have crutches?

I pulled up my shirt which showed a bandage around my stomach with some dried blood.

Joey: I had gotten stabbed a little while ago and I was taken to the hospital so they could fix my stomach guts.

We all started laughing because of the way I said it.

Joey: But the reason why I have crutches is because whenever I try to walk by myself I always end up falling on the floor because there's a sharp pain going through my legs. But my doctor said it will be fine in a month or so.

Meghan: Aww I'm so sorry Joey. Come on lets go to first period.

Connor: Yes ma'am.

We started laughing really hard when we got to first period. I didn't laugh too hard or else it'll hurt my stomach. But it was too late, my stomach started filling up and I felt like I needed to vomit. I quickly got up but almost fell and left the class to go to the bathroom. I went inside and quickly got to the toilet and started throwing up.

Connor's POV

When I helped Joey with his books from his locker Meghan came over.

Meghan: Hi Joey! Hi Connor!

Joey&Connor: Hi Meghan-san

We all laughed and then Meghan noticed that Joey was on crutches.

Meghan: Hey Joey? How come you have crutches?

He pulled up his shirt to show a bandage around his stomach with a little dried up blood.

Joey: I gotten stabbed a little while ago and I was taken to the hospital so they could fix my stomach guts.

We all started laughing because of the way he said it.

Joey: But the reason why I have crutches is because whenever I try to walk by myself I always end up falling on the floor because there's a sharp pain going through my legs. But my doctor said it will be fine in a month or so.

Meghan: Aww I'm so sorry Joey. Come on lets go to first period.

Connor: Yes ma'am.

We all started laughing and when we got to first period it seemed as if Joey was gonna vomit. I saw that he almost fell and got out of here as fast as his crutches can go. I told the teacher what happened and I ran out of the room to the boy's bathroom. I heard vomit going in the toilet. I ran over to where Joey was and he was still throwing up.

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