Chapter 29 Am I still mad?

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Joey's POV

A week has passed by and my mom still helps me get dressed for school and I'm glad to have her here because without her I don't know what I would be doing right now. It's been awhile since I talked to Shane but it was for the best. After I'm done getting ready and finished eating breakfast, my mom helps me outside to the bus stop and I see Connor there. For some reason he always make me smile. Wait. Am I having feelings for him??? No I can't because he's straight and were just friends. Or some people say best friends. When the bus comes my mom gives me my crutches and I give her a hug and a kiss goodbye. Connor and I got on the bus like usual and after a couple bus stops later we get to Shane's. I don't know if he's still upset with me or thinks that I might be mad at him. I know that it's been a week since the kiss at the party. Ugh I'm still having dreams about that. I can't believe it was real. When we got to the school, Shane got off the bus and ran as fast as he could inside the school. I wondered what that was about, but anyways me and Connor got off the bus and went to my locker. Then the announcement thing came on. "Connor Franta to the front office please, Connor Franta to the front office."

Connor: Ugh I wonder what they want. Well I have to go, I'll see you in first period Joey.

Joey: Ok Bye Connor. He left and I opened my locker and I grabbed my books. Then I see this little card. I picked it up and read it. "Dear Joey, I'm so sorry for what happened last week at the party. I've felt so bad about doing that to you. I know you still hate me because you don't answer my calls or texts. But I just wanted to say that I still love you. I'm so sorry. I hope you'll forgive me. ~Shane <3 P.S. I left the necklace that I gave you in the envelope. Bye Joey." I looked in the envelope and saw the necklace that Shane gave me. I had trouble putting on the necklace and finally got it on. I grabbed my books and put it in my messenger bag that I brought with me to carry around my books while still on crutches. I went to first period and I saw Shane already sitting in his old seat. I saw that no one else was here except for us. I went over to Shane and I started a conversation.

Joey: Shane I saw the letter that you put in my locker...

Shane: I could tell your wearing the necklace. Listen Joey I'm so sor---

Joey: Shane no need to apologize. I forgive you, but I won't forget what you did.

Shane: I know that you won't forget what I did, but I just wanted to let you know that I still love you.

Joey: Shane I love you too, but I just need a little more time to decide if I want to be with you again. After my doctor says that I'm good to take these bandages off and stop using these crutches, I'll have my decision by then. Ok?

Shane: Ok Joey. I hug Shane and he hugs back. I kiss him on the cheek and walk to my seat across the room. Later on everyone else comes into the room and the teacher starts the lesson.

Shane's POV

I finished getting ready and ate my breakfast. After I finished my breakfast, I got my stuff and said goodbye to my mom and left. When I got to the bus stop the bus came and I got on. I saw Joey talking to Connor again. Ugh if only it was me... When we finally got to school, I quickly got off the bus and ran to Joey's locker. I slipped a letter in his locker and went to my locker to get my books. I finished getting my books and walked to class. I was the first one there and there was still 10 minutes till everyone was supposed to come to class. I waited about 5 minutes and then Joey came in. I wondered where Connor was, but then I remembered he got called down to the front office. I saw Joey coming towards me and he sat down in front of me.

Joey: Shane I got the letter that you put in my locker.

Shane: I could tell your wearing the necklace. Listen Joey I'm so sor---

Joey: Shane you don't have to apologize. I forgive you, but I won't forget what you did.

Shane: I know that you won't forget what I did, but I just wanted to let you know that I still love you.

Joey: Shane I love you too, but I just need a little more time to decide if I want to be with you again. After my doctor says that I'm good to take these bandages off and stop using these crutches, I'll have my decision by then. Ok?

Shane: Ok Joey. Joey hugs me and I hug back. He kisses me on the cheek and walks back to his seat across the room. Later on everyone else comes into the room and the teacher starts the lesson.

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