Chapter 26 Shane's Birthday!!! Part 2

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Joey's POV

I was soo excited. I invited a whole bunch of our friends to come for the PPAARRRTTTAAAYY!!!! I called Connor and asked if he can take Shane out to go do something while me and Teresa got ready for the party. He said yes and he would be here in less than 10 minutes.

——10 minutes later——-

I heard the doorbell rang and I opened the door.

Connor: Hi Joey and Teresa! Happy Birthday Shane!!!! Hey Shane I was wondering wanna go out for lunch or somethin? Its on mwah!

Shane looked at me and I nodded my head giving him permission to go.

Shane: Sure I'd love to get lunch! I'm starving like theres a hole in my stomach waiting to be filled again.

Me, Connor and Teresa started laughing. We then said goodbye and when Shane and Connor left, me and Teresa started getting ready for the party!!!

Shane's POV

As me and Connor left my mom's house we got into his car and drove off. He drove to Chick-fil-a that was right by the mall. I looked at my phone "3:30". We got out of the car and walked inside the restaurant. I got the chicken salad and Connor got a chicken sandwhich. We sat down and waited for our number to be called.

Connor: So Shane... how's it like being 18??

Shane: Honestly I feel like I'm getting old. We both started laughing and then we heard our number being called. Connor got up and went to get our food. I pulled out my phone and decided to text Joey. "Hey Joey, me and Connor got some chickenanya from Chick-fil-a. <3" Joey text back saying,

Hey Shaney! Wait you guys got chicken without me D:

Don't worry Joey I'll save you some before we get home.

YAY!!! :D This is why I love you so much <3

I love you too Joey <3 Oh and I almost forgot, I had gotten a present for you on your birthday and now I finally remembered. So when we get back home I'll give it to you.

Awwwww Shaney!!!! Let's call it a hmmmm Really late birthday gift!!

Ok whatever you say Joey, Oh I have to go now! Time to eat some chicken >:D Bye! <3

Lucky, I'll see you later bye <3

When Connor came back with our food, I put my phone down and started eating at my own risk. Connor looked at me and asked,

Connor: Shane? Are you ok? Were you that hungry??? If so I would've come to your mom's house sooner or later.

Shane: Ya I'm ok, but this chicken is so damn good. We both started laughing, but suddenly I stopped when I saw the nightmare that's been throughout my entire life and he is.......

Joey's POV

Teresa: Ok everything is ready. I'm so excited for my little boy's birthday.

Joey: I'm so excited too. I better hope he enjoys it. We spent like at least $100 on all this stuff. Man what time is it?

Teresa: Umm, it's 6:30. Shane and Connor should be coming back in about an hour or so.

I smiled and called everyone to tell them to be here by 7:00 or earlier.

Connor's POV

Shane: Ya I'm ok, but this chicken is so damn good. We both started laughing our butts off. But then I noticed Shane stopped laughing and stared at the person who just walked in. I think I know who it was, but I wasn't sure. All I know is Shane looks like he just ran a marathon.

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