Chapter 24 Here comes the beatings...

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Shane's POV

As I got dressed to go to school, I smelled something good coming from the kitchen. My mom was making eggs and bacon. After she finished cooking, I ate my breakfast and said goodbye to her as I went to the bus stop. As I got to the bus stop, I see Joey trying to get here as fast as possible. But those damn crutches gave out on him when he fell on the ground. I quickly ran and saw Sawyer Luke and Lisa heading towards us. I picked Joey up and his crutches and ran to the bus stop. Once we got on the bus, I let Joey sit on the inside of the seat so it'll be easier to help him out. When we got to school I got off the bus and grabbed Joey's crutches and helped him down the steps from the bus. I gave him his crutches and I carried his bag. When we walked inside the school, we went to our first period science. When we sat down, I grabbed my notebook and started writing what was on the board and so was Joey. When the bell was about to ring I asked Mrs. Jenkins if I could help Joey to our next class so he won't get trampled on. She said yes. So I walked back to our seats and put our stuff away into our bags and helped Joey with his crutches. We walked out of class to our next period math. When we got there the bell rang and when everyone left me and Joey got in our seats. Then everyone else started coming into the room. I looked over to Joey and he looked nervous.

Shane: Joey why are you nervous? I was rubbing his back, but carefully so it doesn't hurt his spinal area thats by his stomach.

Joey: Look. He pointed and there they were Lisa, Luke and Sawyer. I wonder what happened to Tyler.

Shane: Don't worry we'll leave early before the bell rings and they aren't in our next period class so you won't have to be nervous. I made him smile and I smiled back at him. When there was only 5 minutes left in class, I grabbed Joey's stuff and helped him to our next class history. We waited there for what seemed like hours, but then the bell rang and everyone ran out to get to there next class. Me and Joey walk into the class and I set his stuff down while he slowly sits in his seat and gives the crutches to me. I layed them on the floor and class started.

4 hours later....

I helped Joey into my mom's car because she picked us up today. She drove to Joey's house and I helped him inside. I told him goodbye and gave him a kiss on the lips and left. When I walked back to my mom's car, I had a bad feeling about what was going to happen. I told my mom that'd I'll be right back and she nodded. Once I got to the door, I heard crying noises and kicking with some punches. I opened the door and saw Joey's dad kicking him senseless. I ran and tackled his father to the ground. I started punching him over and over again. He tried getting out of my grip and I kept saying "Your stronger than him Shane no one will hurt Joey. Do this for him". I kept punching his dad over and over again. I got up and started kicking him till he was unconsious. I ran over to Joey who was crying on the floor while holding his stomach. I helped him up and grabbed his crutches. I gave them to him and helped him out to my mom's car. I ran back inside his house and saw his dad still laying on the floor unconsious. I ran up to Joey's room and grabbed some of his clothes and put them into a small suitcase. I quickly ran downstairs and grabbed Joey's backpack running outside and getting into my mom's car. She drove back to our house and I helped Joey back inside and layed him on my bed. I saw that his nose was bleeding so I grabbed a small towel put some water on it and dabbed it around his nose to get the blood off of him. My mom walked in with an ice pack because she saw Joey's eye was throbbing. I looked at him and I smiled and he smiled back. When my mom left to go make dinner, I kissed Joey and told him everything will be ok when he's by my side.

Joey's POV

After school, Shane's mom picked us up and drove me to my house. Shane helped me inside and gave me a kiss and left. I was kinda sad when he left because now I had to deal with my abusive father. Then there were loud footsteps coming down the stairs. I was scared then the most horrifying person that I've ever seen coming towards me with his fist balled up getting ready to punch me. All of a sudden, I get punched in the face 6 times to find out my nose was bleeding and my right eye was throbbing. He started kicking me towards where I got stabbed and I whined because it hurt so much. Then I hear a door open, and there Shane was running up towards my dad and tackling him to the floor. Shane kept punching him over and over again. My dad tried pushing him off, but it seemed as if Shane was stronger because he had my dads hands pinned to the floor so he couldn't escape. Then Shane started kicking my father a bunch of times till my dad was unconsious. He ran towards me and helped me up, I started crying into his shirt and he grabbed my crutches. He helped me outside into his moms car. He ran back inside my house and came back with a small suitcase and my backpack. He put the stuff into the trunk and he sat next to me and I layed my head on his lap while he was stroking my hair. When we got to his house, he helped me inside and layed me on his bed and got a small wet towel and dabbed the blood from my nose. I saw Shane's mom walk in with an ice pack and she put it on my eye. It was cold at first, but then my eye was feeling a little better. Shane kissed me and said everything will be ok because he'll be right next to me keeping me away from harmful things or people. I smiled and I fell asleep in his arms. I was the most luckiest person in the whole world...actually universe because I have Shane.

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