Chapter 4 Should I tell my mom I'm gay? (Shane's version)

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Shane's POV

As I got off the bus, I went inside to find my dad drunk and yelling at me.

Shane's dad: Hey look who's home the gay ass faggot!

He started laughing at me and right when I was about to run to my room, he grabbed me by the collar and I couldn't breathe. He kept slamming me into the floor and I noticed blood running down my arm. He started punching me over and over again. Until he finally pushed me onto the floor and said you piece of shit you don't know how to fight back. Wow you are weak and ugly pathetic and hideous. I'm not surprised you don't have any friends.

I quickly ran to my room and my mom ran up to me with a towel. She started cleaning the blood off my face and I heard a door slam close. I just hope he'd left. I looked out my door and he was gone. It was time to tell my mom that I am gay.

Shane: Mom?

Shane's mom (Her name is Teresa so thats what I'm going to use): Yes honey.

Shane: (ok its time to tell her) Mom I-I-I'm gay. Then she hugged me really tight and smiled.

Teresa: I'm really happy for you Shane! I will always love you no matter what happens even if your gay straight or bi, you are my son and I appreciate that you told me. I will love you forever.

Shane: I love you mom <3

As I finished eating dinner my mom had brought me, I went to go do my homework and go to bed smiling. I whisper "Thank you mom".

Then all of a sudden my phone vibrates. An unknown phone number? I grabbed my phone and it said "Hey Shane I saw what happened to you in the hallway wasn't it nice to have someone who cared for you to help you? Well if you ever think that you will ever be friends with him, well then your wrong. See you at school tomorrow".

Then I get another text from the same person " I'm watching you". I threw my phone on the floor and quickly went to the bathroom and I found a razor blade. I started cutting myself again until it all went away.

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